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105379 |
anthemion: A classical decorative motif based on a plant, with curling leaves or petals. |
校友(ancien élève):巴黎的美术学院的毕业生。 |
105380 |
antithetical couplets |
联屏 |
105381 |
any of the circumstances in Subparagraphs (2), (4), (5) or (7) of the preceding paragraph that causes serious consequences shall be punished with a fine of not less than RMB 200,000 yuan but not more than RMB 2,000,000 yuan. |
有前款第二项、第四项、第五项、第七项规定行为之一,造成严重后果的,处二十万元以上二百万元以下的罚款。 |
105382 |
arch bridge |
环洞桥 |
105383 |
architrave: The lowest portion of a classical entablature. |
柱顶过梁(architrave):古典建筑的檐部最底端的部分。 |
105384 |
are as beautiful as ponds on summer evenings, with their rushes bathing in water that mirrors and transfigures the entire sky." |
像夏夜的池塘一般闪闪发亮,还有浸在池塘里的灯心草,还有在池塘里照见自己并变了样的整个天空。" |
105385 |
are nests in which the birds of obscure origin that, in France, we call macreuses (scoter-ducks), form and hatch." |
都是形成并孵出小鸟的鸟巢,这些小鸟起源不明,法国人把它叫做海番鸭(Macreuses)。" |
105386 |
as for the lighting system in the public area, energy-saving control measures like zoning, time setting and induction shall be taken; |
公共区域的照明系统应采用分区、定时、感应等节能控制; |
105387 |
as grandiose ruins, the ancient buildings still give a clear and fine indication of the virtue and grandeur of the Roman nation, to such an extent that the study of these qualities of virtue have repeatedly fascinated and enthused me; I directed all my thoughts to them with the greatest of expectations.' |
这些古老的建筑虽已成为遗迹,但它们仍旧把罗马帝国的美德之所在、宏伟之姿态做出了清晰而又绝佳的展示,而且研究这些高质之美,竟让我达到了为之疯狂的地步。带着最高的期待,我把自己全部的精力都贯注在这些建筑当中。 |
105388 |
asked Hugh. 'Oh, you know,' said Martin with an expansive gesture. |
有一次马丁参观完我们事务所回去后休问他:"这儿怎么样?" |