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105369 |
and to see them |
看着它们, |
105370 |
and visited there with his empress the following year. |
道光十七年(1837年),道光帝同皇后同游丫髻山。” |
105371 |
and what is its right place? |
什么是适当地方? |
105372 |
and what is the right use of color as associated with architectural imitative form? |
什么是与建筑模仿形状有关的色彩的正确使用方式? |
105373 |
and where losses are caused to a party, compensation shall be made according to law. |
给当事人造成损失的,应当依法给予赔偿。 |
105374 |
and where the housings of individuals are expropriated, their living conditions shall be guaranteed. |
征收个人住宅的,还应当保障被征收人的居住条件。 |
105375 |
and where the sole proprietorship enterprise sustains any loss as a result, he shall be liable for damages in accordance with the law; where he has made any illegal gain, such illegal gain shall be confiscated; where a crime is committed, criminal liability shall be imposed. |
给企业造成损失的, 依法承担赔偿责任; 有违法所得的, 没收违法所得; 构成犯罪的, 依法追究刑事责任。 |
105376 |
and would be so highly polished that the lizards and earthworms that come in there would see themselves as in a mirror." |
光泽是那么透亮,爬在内壁上的蜥蜴和壁虎就像在镜子里一样"。 |
105377 |
and, secondly, contemporary timber and masonry architecture depicted in the reliefs decorating the walls of the caves. |
其次是装饰石窟墙体用的浮雕所描绘的同时期的木材及石材建筑。 |
105378 |
and, with the figures, undoubtedly all kinds of utensils necessary for a comfortable living. |
同人俑一起当然还有为生活舒适的各种必要用品。 |