ID 原文 译文
1043 1 The electrical device shall be installed firmly in order; its marks shall be identifiable and both its inside and outside be clean; 1 电气装置应安装牢固、整齐、标识明确、内外清洁;
1044 1 The electrical devices in the suspended ceiling shall be installed at the place convenient for maintenance; 1 吊顶内电气装置应安装在便于维修处;
1045 1 The electricity consumption to transferred cooling (heating) quantity ratio of air conditioning chilled/hot water system shall be calculated according to the following formula: 1 空调冷(热)水系统耗电输冷(热)比应按下式计算:
1046 1 The electrode model shall be corresponding to the strength welded steel. 1 焊条型号应与被焊接钢材的强度相适应。
1047 1 The electronic case shall be well sealed and its waterproof joints at the bottom shall be installed firmly. 1 电子箱应密封良好,底部防水接头应安装牢固。
1048 1 The elevations of indoor flooring and underground facility shall be raised according to the pre-estimated settlement. When each part of the building (or between equipments) has connections, the elevation of the part with larger settlement may be raised. 1 室内地坪和地下设施的标高,应根据预估沉降量予以提高。
1049 1 The elevator shaft shall be set up independently and the gas ductwork mustn't be laid inside thereby. The cables and wires irrelevant to the elevator shall not be laid either. 1 电梯井应独立设置,井内严禁敷设燃气管道,并不应敷设与电梯无关的电缆、电线等。
1050 1 The energy efficiency values of single-capped fluorescent lamps shall not be less than the evaluating values of energy conservation specified in the current national standard GB 19415 Limited Values of Energy Efficiency and Evaluating Values of Energy Conservation for Single-capped Fluorescent Lamps; 1 单端荧光灯的能效值不应低于现行国家标准《单端荧光灯能效限定值及节能评价值》GB 19415规定的节能评价值;
1051 1 The entire or parts of the structure subjected to repeat loading; 1 结构整体或局部构造承受反复荷载作用;
1052 1 The entrance; 1 建筑入口;