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105162 |
[50] The most obvious example being, of course, the northeast-facing main entranceway. |
(10)其中最著名的例子当然就是东北朝向的主入口。 |
105163 |
[51] Neither Stonehenge nor prehistoric British societies would ever be the same again. |
(11)自此,不论是巨石阵还是史前的不列颠社会都将不复以往。 |
105165 |
[53] Members of the Stonehenge Riverside Project have discovered documentary evidence that in the early eighteenth century large blocks of sarsen lay on the roadside near Clatford, where they had been abandoned, probably on their way to Stonehenge, via Marden (with its famous henge) and down the western side of the valley of the River Avon. |
(2)巨石阵河岸项目的成员找到了书面材料,证实在18世纪早期,克劳福德附近的道路上就有大块的砂岩漂砾,它们很可能是在取道马登(包括那里著名的石圈),然后沿着埃文河村庄西边被运往巨石阵的路上被弄丢的。 |
105166 |
[54] It used to be thought that in prehistoric times there were relatively few sarsens lying around on the surface near Stonehenge, but recent research, using the first editions of Ordnance Survey maps (early nineteenth century), has revealed that many are marked, although nearly all have since vanished. |
(3)过去人们认为在史前时代巨石阵附近的地表上只有很少的砂岩漂砾,可是近期的研究在参考了第一版地形测量局的地图(发布于19世纪早期)后发现,尽管砂岩漂砾几乎已经全部消失了,还是有相当数量被标记出来。 |
105168 |
[56] The uneven distribution showed that certain areas favoured axes from different quarries. Beautiful polished axes from these upland quarries have been found buried in causewayed enclosures and at other special sites, such as barrows. |
(5)这种不均衡的分布显示出一些区域更喜欢从不同的采石场获取石斧,在堤道围场和坟墓这样的特殊遗迹里就发现了来自山地采石场的打磨精美的石斧。 |
105169 |
[57] For a start, money did not exist. |
(6)首先,史前时代并不存在货币。 |
105170 |
[59] It was a neat theory, and for the latter part of the twentieth century it seemed to make plenty of sense. But it was probably wrong. |
(8)这种说法很自洽,在20世纪后期看起来也颇为合理,不过却未必正确。 |
105171 |
[5] ft) deep, and roughly twice as wide. It was positioned on the axis of the natural subsoil ridges that were aligned on the solstice – although by this period they would not have been apparent from the surface. |
沟渠的直径约118米,考古学家开挖后发现它深2米、宽4米,恰巧位于两个至日方向上由自然底土形成的垄这一中轴线上,尽管在那个时候,这条垄从表面看并不十分明显。 |
105172 |
[60] Although they were never accepted by the archaeological profession, these theories found some sympathy with the press and wider public. |
(9)这种猜想虽然从未得到考古学专家的认可,却在媒体和公众那里赢得了一定支持。 |
105173 |
[61] This meant that the Bristol Channel sea route to England was impossible – or at best highly unlikely. |
(10)这表明从布里斯托尔海峡前往英格兰的海路被排除在外,或者说极其不可能了。 |