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105125 [193] It has been adopted in archaeology over the past two decades with great success. The technique, however, depends on being able to find layers in the ground that can be identified with closely definable stages in a particular site or monument's construction, followed by its use and, finally, its demise. (26)在过去的20年间,这项技术在考古界的应用取得了巨大成功,然而这项技术的成立在很大程度上取决于找到土壤中的某个层位,与遗迹中已经确立的使用及终止年代相匹配。
105126 [194] Normally that is quite straightforward. But not always. (27)一般情况下,这项技术的应用方式相当直白,但也有例外。
105128 [1] In this book I will draw heavily, for example, on the Stonehenge Riverside Project, organized by Mike Parker Pearson of University College London and by colleagues in the universities of Bournemouth, Manchester and Southampton. (1)在本书中,我将着重关注巨石阵河岸项目,该项目的组织者是伦敦大学学院的迈克•帕克•皮尔森,参与其中的是来自伯恩茅斯、曼彻斯特以及南安普敦这几所大学的同僚。
105129 [1]If the Tenderer does not accept, this paragraph may be deleted and replaced by: *如果投标人不接受此建议,本段可删除并代之以:
105130 [1]When writing the tender documents, the writer should ascertain whether to include the optional text, shown in parentheses [] [1]当编写招标文件时,编写人应确定是否纳入括号[]里备选择的文字。
105131 [2100 1500 BC] (公元前2100年—前1500年)
105132 [21] It consisted of an upside-down oak tree whose spreading roots resembled branches surrounded by a ring-wall of large oak posts. (1)其中有一棵倒置的橡树,树根就像树枝一样伸展开来,四周则被巨大的橡树柱围成一圈。
105133 [22] Most remarkably of all, Seahenge could be precisely dated by tree-rings to the months of April–June in the year 2049 BC. (2)最令人惊奇的是,根据树的年轮,海上木阵可以被精确定年在公元前2049年的4月至6月间。
105134 [23] This time the site was a barrow or burial mound, whose ancient timbers produced a date that was identical to the first Seahenge. (3)这是一处坟冢,根据木材的测年结果,年代接近之前发掘的海上木阵。
105135 [24] This is a particularly useful approach in undulating landscapes, such as Salisbury Plain. (4)这种方法在研究地势起伏的景观(例如索尔兹伯里平原)时尤其有用。