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105113 [17] What is significant for our story is that this debris was found just 400 metres south of the huge posts in the car park. (12)这一发现对我们的讲述来说至关重要,因为这些碎片位于停车场巨柱往南400米处。
105114 [181] Again, this suggests an earlier date for the re-cutting, if not for the actual digging of the ditch. (14)这也表明重新开凿的时间应该更早,如果这不是沟渠的最初挖掘时间的话。
105115 [182] There is also evidence that possible offerings had been disturbed in antiquity. (15)还有证据表明祭品可能在古代遭到了扰动。
105116 [183] Finally, a cremation was found in situ, lying directly on the ditch bottom. [184] This has to have been a placed deposit. (16)最后,在沟渠底部还发现了火葬的痕迹,(17)此处明显是一个人工制造的沉积。
105117 [185] Perhaps this was when much disturbance of the earlier deposits took place (this did not happen at Etton, possibly due to rising water levels). (18)也许早期的沉积就是在重新填埋时遭到了扰动(埃顿没有出现这种情况,很可能是因为海平面上升的缘故)。
105118 [186] One could select many parallels among excavated British causewayed enclosures, but the central ring of highly segmented ditches (the so-called 'spiral arm') at Briar Hill, Northampton, is also close in size and shape to the Stonehenge ditch. (19)人们可以在不列颠已经发掘的堤道围场中发现许多相似之处,但是北安普敦荆棘山多段式沟渠(被称为“悬臂”)的中心圈也同巨石阵沟渠的大小形状接近。
105119 [187] If anything, the pit-like, lobed layout is even more pronounced there. (20)若要说有什么区别的话,那里灰坑样的裂状轮廓更为明显。
105120 [189] There are two principal objections to this. (22)对此有两个主要的反驳点。
105122 [190] The alignment of the ditch entranceway on the solstice is unique among causewayed enclosures, but it is very much a part of the newer, Middle Neolithic tradition represented by passage graves and henges, which began in the centuries after 3500 BC. (23)第二,沟渠入口朝向至日点的设计在堤道围场中也是特有的,但这是一种在新石器时代中期的通道式坟墓和木石圈中新出现的特点,开始于公元前3500年的几百年后。
105123 [191] Having said that, of course, we do know that Stonehenge seems to have been carefully positioned in line with the distinctive subsoil grooves beneath the final stretch of the Avenue, and that these were probably recognized in Mesolithic times. (24)话虽如此,我们知道巨石阵似乎是沿着大道最后一段之下的底土细槽建造的,而那个时间正处于中石器时代。