105086 |
[149] Normally speaking, one would expect an excavation of this importance and longevity to have been published in several fat volumes, each of 500 pages or more. |
(30)正常情况下,耗时很长又如此重要的发掘需要出版几卷厚厚的报告,每卷都应该在500页以上。 |
105087 |
[14] Although disciplined, their approach was also flexible. |
(9)这些方法谨遵业内的标准,但也具有一定的灵活性。 |
105088 |
[150] Plans and drawings were so inadequate that it was impossible even to compare depths with Hawley's earlier work. |
(31)平面图和图示也十分匮乏,甚至无法与霍利早年的工作相提并论。 |
105089 |
[151] The only published information on fourteen seasons of excavation is the popular (and very good) account by Professor Atkinson, which first appeared in 1956, and was revised in 1979. |
(32)在整整14季的发掘之后,唯一出版的内容是阿特金森教授那套十分流行,而且质量也很高的记述,初版于1956年面世,1979年又进行了修改。 |
105091 |
[153] That publication gave us accurate plans and, where possible, sections, plus numerous photographs. Perhaps its biggest achievement has been the creation of the Wessex Archaeology Stonehenge Archive, which is housed in Salisbury Museum. |
(34)这本书提供了精准的平面图及其方位,还附有大量照片,也许它最大的成果就是建立了韦塞克斯考古学会巨石阵档案库,这座档案库坐落在索尔兹伯里博物馆内。 |
105093 |
[156] Essentially an icon was about more than the subject it represented. |
(1)从本质上来说,“崇拜对象”不仅仅是其画面表现出来的样子,还应有更深层的意味。 |
105094 |
[157] In many important respects this book complements the comprehensive review of the archaeological evidence produced by English Heritage twelve years later. |
(2)12年后,英格兰遗产委员会出版了对考古学证据的综合评述。在许多重要的方面,《巨石阵面面观》都为这份评述提供了补充。 |
105096 |
[159] Her account gives a revealing insight into what an educated visitor would have thought at the time. |
(4)这份记录使人们了解到当时一位受过良好教育的旅行者的内心所想。 |
105097 |
[160] She is remarkably observant and is struck by the fact that Stonehenge sits within a landscape rich in ancient remains. |
(5)费因斯的观察细致入微,她注意到巨石阵处在一片拥有丰富古代遗迹的景观之中,并为此感到震惊。 |
105098 |
[161] She also notices that the lintels were secured in place by mortice holes and that there are a distinct category of smaller stones. |
(6)她还发现楣石通过榫眼固定,另外还存在一类独特的小石头。 |