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105072 [133] Today we have grown used to insensitive restorations or 'improvements' to old buildings, but people were just as capable of seemingly idiotic decisions in prehistory. (14)今天我们对历史遗迹那些毫不上心的修缮或改建已经习以为常,可史前时代的人似乎也会做出同样愚蠢的决定。
105073 [134] Nobody knows why this was done, but in due course it led to the Trilithon's collapse. (15)没有人知道这么做的原因,不过在挖掘的过程中,这个坑导致了三石塔的塌陷。
105076 [139] These large pieces of stone would probably have been reshaped and used in houses or farm buildings. (20)这些大块的残余部分可能会被重新打磨,用于房屋和农场的建造。
105077 [13] But the Stonehenge Riverside Project adopted a variety of different approaches to tackle a series of clearly defined questions. (8)巨石阵河岸项目采用了多种不同方式,尝试解决一系列已经被清晰界定的问题。
105078 [140] More recently the wear caused by shoes standing on collapsed stones has removed much surface information, such as evidence for their shaping, and any shallow carvings. (21)最近有一些游客踩在掉落的石头上,鞋子造成的磨损破坏了许多石头表面的信息,比如打磨的痕迹和一些较浅的刻痕。
105079 [141] Stone chips continued occasionally to be removed until the site was fenced off to visitors in 1978. (22)1978年,巨石阵周围设立了隔开游客的栅栏,因为在此之前时常有人顺走碎石块。
105081 [143] He went on to point out that the only thing that distinguished excavation from methodical destruction was the fact that a detailed report was produced at the end of the process. (24)他指出,发掘和刻意破坏之间的唯一差别,就是前者最终会得出一份详尽的报告。可悲的是,对巨石阵的发掘并非完全如此。
105083 [146] Having said that, the site was Stonehenge, so one might have expected better, especially given the fact that the project was supervised and officially controlled by no less than the Society of Antiquaries of London and the Ministry of Works. (27)话虽如此,发掘的对象毕竟是巨石阵,人们的期待必定更高,更别提整个项目还由伦敦古物学会和建筑工程部等部门监管和掌控。
105084 [147] The project's written records essentially consist of Hawley's daily dairies, which have subsequently been typed out and copied. (28)项目的文字记录主要由霍利的发掘日记组成,随后被录入电脑并打印成册。
105085 [148] His excavation records are coherent and all finds are recorded to a foot square, with a depth, and there is also a good photographic archive. (29)他的发掘记录清晰明了,所有发现都按照0.1平方米的大小和一定深度记录在案,还留有完整的照片档案。