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105061 |
[122] Aerial photographs show that during the Bronze and Iron Ages, Britain was served by an elaborate system of roads and tracks. |
(3)航空照片显示,在青铜和铁器时代,不列颠已经拥有成熟复杂的道路交通体系。 |
105062 |
[123] Put another way, the necessity to maintain long-distance social cohesion had passed. Societies were becoming more integrated as the general population grew; regional communities had learnt to live together. |
(4)换句话说,随着人口不断增加,社会变得愈加协调稳固,地域性的社群开始共生,维持长距离的社会联系已经失去了必要性。 |
105064 |
[125] This would have involved not just one or two farmers but entire communities, as the fields were positioned to offer each landholder (usually a family) some of the best, some of the average and some of the worst-quality land. |
(6)田地的分布状况表明,每一位土地所有者(通常是一个家庭)都同时拥有较好、平常和较差的土地,因此,农田的分配不可能只涉及一两个农民,整个社群一定都投入其中。 |
105065 |
[126] It also links the management of land to earlier arrangements where open grazing would have been parcelled up between different families, whose territories, or holdings, were separated by burial mounds. |
(7)如今的土地规划也与早期的分配方式有关,因为游牧区被划分给不同的家族,而家族之间的领地和财产通过墓葬进行间隔。 |
105066 |
[127] Iron Age pottery has been found in the higher layers of many features. [128] Even pottery of the Roman period is quite often found in layers that have accumulated naturally over time (in other words, they have not been deliberately back-filled) – for example, in the upper filling of the Aubrey Holes. |
在这里,人们经常能发掘出青铜时代后期的陶器,(8)在较浅一些的土层中也发现了各式铁器时代的陶器,(9)甚至在自然堆积(也就是说,没有经过刻意回填)的层位中还经常能发现罗马时期的陶器——举例来说,在奥布里洞的上层填土中就有这样的发现。 |
105067 |
[129] Moving forward in time, Saxon pottery has been found in the naturally accumulated filling of the mysterious Phase 5 Y and Z Holes – along with many other sherds of Roman and even medieval date. |
(10)时间进一步往前推,人们在第五阶段神秘的Y洞和Z洞的自然填土层中发现了撒克逊人的陶器,同时出土的还有许多罗马时期甚至中世纪的碎片。 |
105068 |
[12] Accordingly, archaeological opinion was firmly agreed that the car park posts could not have served any practical purpose. |
(7)因此,考古学家坚信在停车场发现的柱子不具备任何实际用途。 |
105069 |
[12]There is general consensus that the works of Li and Ji helped to elevate the stan-dard of Chinese garden art by harmonizing the making of hillocks, lakes, buildings, and courtyards as well as the planting of trees and flowers in late Ming and early Qing China. |
目前一致认为,李诫和计成的著作,通过协调明末清初小山丘、湖泽、建筑物和庭院建造以及花草树木的种植,帮助提升了中国园林艺术的水准。 |
105070 |
[130] And this brings us to the early origin of the name 'Stonehenge', which is generally believed to have been derived from two Early English words (stan + hengen), which literally mean 'stone' and 'hanging'. |
(11)这不禁让我们想起了“巨石阵”这个名字的起源,人们普遍认为它(stonehenge)源于两个古英语词(stan+hengen),字面意思分别是“石头”和“悬挂”。 |
105071 |
[131] Many people have since jumped to the conclusion that the 'hanging' is a reference to the Stones' superficial resemblance to a gallows. |
(12)许多人据此得出,“悬挂”必定是指巨石阵在外表上同绞刑架十分相似。 |