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105050 [108] One suspects that the intention was to 'freshen up' the pale (and in places natural), chalky banks, which defined the edges of the processional way, wherever they had become obscured by turf growth. (1)有人推测这次开挖的目的是“清理”发灰(有些地方是自然发灰)的白垩堤岸,它们原本被用来勾勒行进路线的边界,却因为草木生长变得不那么明显。
105051 [109] Another unusual feature was the discovery, at the bottom of many holes, of fragments of bluestone (and of sarsen), which Professor Atkinson in the 1950s believed had been placed there, probably as offerings. (2)还有一件事不同寻常:许多洞的底部都有蓝砂岩(以及砂岩)的碎片,阿特金森教授在20世纪50年代提出,这些碎片很可能是放置在此处的祭品。
105052 [10] Currently the best estimates suggest there were between ten and thirty houses there at any one time. (5)现在人们推测那里曾持续存在着10到30座房屋。
105053 [110] Today most prehistorians would, perhaps reluctantly, agree with Atkinson's suggestion that the Y and Z Holes had been dug to receive yet another setting of bluestones but that this simply failed to happen. (3)现在的史前学者恐怕也都勉强同意阿特金森的推断,即Y洞和Z洞原本要承接另一组蓝砂岩,只不过后来没有实现。
105054 [112] The informal but closely packed line of over twenty barrows included four that contained exceptionally rich grave goods. (5)整个墓葬群有超过20座墓冢,看似随意却又紧密地排列成一行,其中4座都伴有特别丰厚的随葬品。
105055 [114] The angle of the sunlight was perfect and he was about to take the picture, when suddenly his gaze fell on some much shallower carvings beneath and around the man's name. It must have been a magical moment. 就如同奇迹时刻一般,他迅速辨认出那是青铜时代早期的短剑和几把平斧(vii)留下的痕迹,因为它们都是弧形刀锋朝上。
105056 [115] In addition Stonehenge has revealed three carvings of bronze daggers. (8)另外,人们在巨石阵中还发现了三处由青铜短剑留下的刻痕。
105058 [119] To modern eyes these axes all look vaguely similar, but to Early Bronze Age people every axe would soon have acquired its own identity just as cars, bicycles or smartphones do today. (12)对现代人来说,这些斧子看上去都大同小异,可是对青铜时代早期的人来说,每一把斧子都有自己的特征——就像今天的汽车、自行车或手机一样。
105059 [11] They revealed four pit-like features, almost equally spaced out and arranged in a row some 35 metres (115 ft) long, which was aligned precisely east–west. (6)他们发现了四个疑似灰坑,排成一排指向正东-西方向,延展开来达到35米长。
105060 [121] In places where fields did not (yet) exist, the landscape was already divided up using permanent markers, such as barrows or cairns and strategically sited rock carvings. (2)在尚未形成农田的区域,人们会用坟墓、堆石标或刻意的石刻标记等永久性标志来划分土地。