ID 原文 译文
104925 Your survival depends on good design. 我们的生存有赖于优秀的设计。
104926 Your ten-year responsibility is at stake and I have no need to foot the bill. 您10年以来的信誉遭遇了危机,而我也无需付清账单。
104927 Yours, Le Corbusier." 您的勒•柯布西耶。”
104928 Yours, mine, or someone else's?" 无从知晓。”
104929 Youshengjiao Temple, located in Tongzhou District, was built in the Northern Zhou Dynasty. 佑圣教寺位于今通州区,建于北周时期。
104930 Youzhou says: relic was placed in Hongye Temple in March 26th." 幽州表云:三月二十六日,于宏业寺安置舍利”。
104931 You’ll never see that in an Inca building. NARRATOR (V/O): 但是这一点,你在印加建筑中绝对不会看到。
104932 You’re fighting the stone’s… 你需要一直……
104933 You’ve got to keep the flow of materials arriving, so that they’re in the right place at the right time for the… 而在工地无所事事。建材必须不断地及时到位…
104934 Yu Cheng 俞澂