ID 原文 译文
104895 You would like to interest the reader in yourself, whereas you have unlocked a door to daydreaming. 你想要使读者对你自己发生兴趣,但你却微微开启了一扇通往梦想的门。
104896 You would like to tell everything about your room. 你想要说出关于你卧室的一切。
104897 You would not put rings on the fingers of a smith at his anvil. 铁匠在干活时,你绝不会把戒指戴到他的手上。
104898 You'll find great changes here. They are worthwhile seeing. 你将会发现这里发生了巨大的变化。
104899 You'll hear a lot of people tell you that if you take the keystone out of an arch, an arch will fall over, and of course this is true. 埃德·麦卡恩:很多人都说,如果拆下圆拱的拱心石,圆拱就会倒塌,当然这是真的。
104900 You'll see how many fine autographs you will collect'. 您会看到您将收集到多少漂亮的签名。"
104901 You'll see how many fine autographs you will collect. 您会发现将能够搜集到许多优美的亲笔签名。
104902 You're running against the clock. 埃德·麦卡恩你必须分秒必争。
104903 You've got the great big lump that's sitting above you, the 10s of metres of rock, all of which are weighing down on top of this hole, and their loads have to be transmitted somewhere, and what happens is the-- the loads will follow the stiffest path effectively… 埃德·麦卡恩它顶着上面给予的巨大负担,数十米高的岩块,这些全都向着空洞的大厅施加压力,这些压力必须得转移出去,于是就出现这种情况—这些压力会顺着最结实的负荷通道传递…
104904 Young Raphael idolized Leonardo and managed to get along with Michelangelo (which by all accounts was no mean feat). 拉斐尔年轻时十分崇拜达·芬奇,也曾想方设法接近米开朗基罗(但据大家所说,事实上并不如他所期望的那样融洽)。