ID 原文 译文
104785 Yishan's Records of Miscellaneous Things 义山杂纂
104786 Yixuan took part in the "Xinyou Coup", and carried out the arrest of Sushun, the leader of the opposing party, which helped Cixi consolidate her dominant position. 他参与了辛酉政变,亲自捉拿了肃顺,奠定了慈禧的统治地位,
104787 Yong'an Bridge in the Beihai Park 北海永安桥
104788 Yongding River 永定河
104789 Yonghegong Lama Temple is the largest and best preserved temple of Tibetan Buddhism, and Falun Hall is one of the most important halls in this temple. 是北京规模最大、保存最完好的藏传佛教寺院,法轮殿是雍和宫中最为重要的殿宇之一。
104790 Yonghegong Lama Temple was built in the 33rd year of Kangxi (1694). 雍和宫建于清康熙三十三年(1694年),
104791 Yongtong Bridge 永通桥
104792 Yongtong Bridge and Stone Road Stele 永通桥及石道碑
104793 Yongtong Bridge and the stone road stele were announced as a historical and cultural site under Beijing protection by the Peoples Government of Beijing Municipality in 1984. 1984年,永通桥及石道碑被北京由人民政府公布为北京市文物保护单位。
104794 Yongtong Bridge is the only large stone arch bridge built over the Tonghui River, known as the channel of transporting reserves to Beijing by land. 永通桥是通惠河上建造的唯一的一座大型石拱桥,史称“陆运京储之通道”。