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104725 Yet the task of living up to their predecessor's standards was challenging, and neither monarch found Louis XIV easy to imitate. 然而要达到前辈的标准是一项艰巨的任务,而且两位君主都发现路易十四并不容易效仿。
104726 Yet the term 'propaganda' refers to the promotion of any doctrine or set of beliefs and in and of itself should carry no negative connotations. 然而,对于任何教义或成体系的信仰的宣扬都可以是"宣传",其本身应该不带有负面的含义。
104727 Yet the underlying principle of Gehry's plan is as simple as he described: box, toilets, stairs, a foyer, a front door. 不过盖里设计平面的基本原则的确和他描述的一样简单:盒子、卫生间、楼梯、门厅和正门。
104728 Yet their own instruments had signaled that something quite extraordinary was going on which called for exceptional, rather than for standard, countermeasures. 后来他们经过详细检查,发现了非比寻常的现象,才知道不能用平常方法,而必须用非常方法来解决。
104729 Yet there are plenty of people around with enough science to understand what the physicist is trying to say, who can write readable English, where the physicist only speaks higher mathematics. 研究所里有很多人都知道该项研究的经过,新闻稿如果由别人写,写出来一定文笔流畅、通俗易懂,而高级研究员却只能写出一些高深莫测的数学公式。
104730 Yet there is one house and one house only that somehow symbolizes the quintessential American pioneer spirit. 但是只有一座房子,就那一座房子,在某种程度上象征着典型的美国开拓精神。
104731 Yet there was general surprise when Peel announced not just a competition, but an aesthetic decision. There would be no discussion. 令人大为吃惊的是,皮尔宣布的不仅是一场比赛,还是一次事关审美的决定。
104732 Yet these are not the less our duties; nor is our part fitly sustained upon the earth, unless the range of our intended and deliberate usefulness include not only the companions, but the successors, of our pilgrimage. 然而这些却同样是我们的义务;除非我们不仅仅对同行者有用,而且对后继者也有用,否则我们在这世上就名不正,言不顺。
104733 Yet they are not only conceived as eternal; they are welded into the structure through civil service rules and immediately become vested interests, with their own spokesmen in the legislature. 这些计划和措施不但被认为是永恒的原则,还会演变成法令规章,谁也动他不得,成为一部分人的既得利益,并且得到政府立法部门有关人员的支持。
104734 Yet this can perhaps still be done by going down a checklist every few months, that is, by following a form. 管理者也许得采用一种检查表,每隔几个月检查一次。