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104695 Yet paradoxically, suburban developments do more to dissociate people from the varied experiences that a good natural environment provides. 然而事与愿违的是,住在近郊小区,实际上人们更不可能拥有在优美自然环境中才会有的各种体验。
104696 Yet research clearly demonstrates that design is central to effective learning environments. 事实上,研究成果清楚地表明,设计是高效学习环境的核心所在。
104697 Yet some of the Grotto's statuary was moved to a grove in the main garden, which took the appropriately solar name of Bosquet des Bains d'Apollon, and there were many other solar echoes around the gardens. 但洞内的一些雕像被移到主园林里的一片小树林中,那里也因此被恰如其分地称为"阿波罗浴池林"。
104698 Yet the Modernist architect Le Corbusier saw it somewhat differently. 然而最现代的建筑大师勒·柯布西耶不知怎么的却有着不同的看法。
104699 Yet the Versailles project put severe strains on Louis XIV's treasury and placed his successors, Louis XV (ruled 1715-74) and Louis XVI (ruled 1774-92), in a paradoxical situation. 然而,凡尔赛工程给路易十四的国库造成了沉重负担,也将其后继者路易十五(1715-1774在位)和路易十六(1774-1792在位)置于一种自相矛盾的处境。
104700 Yet the animals are in general well modeled, robust, vigorous, and animated. The lions and chimeras are usually winged. 山东曲阜的人像非常呆拙、粗糙、模糊一团,只大致有点像人形。
104701 Yet the appraisal interview is the crux of the whole system. 然而,面谈考评却正是整个考评制度的重心所在。
104702 Yet the architecture of Rome has been a fount of inspiration to the world's best architects and has also fed the imagination of tyrants. 然而,罗马的建筑一直是世界顶尖建筑师的灵感源泉,同时它也满足了罗马暴君的想象。
104703 Yet the axial symmetry and the mirroring of forms—the two spheres—provide a clear and simple sense of orientation. 还有就是,两个球体的轴对称和形式的镜像给人们提供了清晰而简单的方向感。
104704 Yet the barbarians put all of our royal gardens [in the neighborhood] under restraint and [willfully] set fire to the nearby streets. [Their behavior] made our hair stand up in great anger. 不料该夷已由东、北两面窜至,占据园庭,焚烧附近街市,令人发指。