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104655 Yet here the similarities end. Aalto's romantic modernism was rooted in the region where he lived, while Kahn's modernism aspired to be universal. 阿尔托浪漫派的现代主义来自他生活过的地方,而康的现代主义追求的是普适性。
104656 Yet his work and ideas inspired brutal housing estates, where people could live and die alone and scared, never knowing the people who lived a few feet away. 然而,他的作品与理念要开化的是蛮不讲理的居民区,在那里,人们只能带着恐惧,孤独地苟活或死去,对距离自己几英尺外的住户都一无所知。
104657 Yet how many American and Asian cities violate this maxim! 但是美国和亚洲有很多城市违反了这个原则!
104658 Yet if La Bruyère had maintained that a king of France could have anything he liked except a private life, Louis XV proved him wrong. 然而,即便拉布吕耶尔坚持认为,一位法国国王可以拥有他除了私人生活之外想要的一切,路易十五还是证明了事实并非如此。
104659 Yet if it had latterly acquired an acceptance of sorts within national life, a challenging physical monument like Versailles also required substantial material support, which the Third Republic, like its predecessors, was loath to extend. 然而,即便已经在某种程度上被接纳为国民生活的一部分,对凡尔赛宫这样富有挑战性的历史遗迹来说,大量的物质支持还是必不可少,而在这个问题上,第三共和国与其前任一样,都表现得极为勉强。
104660 Yet if someone were to ask us what was the matter, we might not know how to elaborate on the malign features of our environment. 然而如果有人问我们到底怎么回事,我们又很可能不知道该如何将我们周围环境中的有害特征用语言表达出来。
104661 Yet if this is all the executive ever does, he will reap a substantial improvement. 但是,只要管理者确能这么去做,他就能有所收获。
104662 Yet in German, Swedish, or Dutch companies top management people are criticized just as much for "operating" as in the United States. 但是德国、瑞典、荷兰等国公司的高层管理人士也和美国一样,因只抓具体业务不抓总体管理而受到批评。
104663 Yet in ancient Greece the site had much more significance as the home of the Olympians, the deities living on Mount Olympus. 然而在古希腊,奥林匹克作为住在奥林匹斯山的神灵之家拥有更重要的意义。
104664 Yet in contrast to these historical allusions, Gund Hall's surfaces insist upon their modernity. Steel, large plates of glass, and reinforced concrete are all materials architects adopted in the twentieth century as icons of modernity. 尽管冈德楼构造的规律性暗示了机构的悠久历史,但是冈德楼表面的选材彰显了机构的现代气息:钢铁、大玻璃板、钢筋混凝土都是20世纪建筑师为了体现现代气息而选用的材料。