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104625 Yet at the same time, Cloud Gate enhances our sense of agency, since it relies on our participation to create the spectacle of its perpetual remaking. 然而与此同时,它增强了我们的力量感,因为它依赖我们的参与来创造有永恒议论价值的景象。
104626 Yet at this stage in British architecture this was a pretty refined taste: classically-inspired architecture would take a long time to break through the hard, isolationist shell of British taste. 但是在英国建筑当时的阶段,这是相当高雅的品位:古典风格的建筑将需要很长时间来突破坚硬的、孤立主义的英国审美外壳。
104627 Yet because bronze is traditionally associated with commemorative statues and memorials, the contrast would not be inappropriate. 又因为青铜在传统意义上与纪念碑雕像和纪念碑紧密相关,所以这种反差不会是不恰当的。
104628 Yet before visitors to the site see the soaring temple mountain, they must first cross its famous moat. 然而,在游客去遗址参观高耸入云的寺庙山之前,他们一定会先看到著名的浮雕。
104629 Yet both he and Louis XVI rebalanced the public and private aspects of court life in the direction of the latter. 但他和路易十六重新平衡了宫廷生活中公共和私人两个方面,使其向后者的方向发展。
104630 Yet both the fan vault and the pointed arch are the essence of Gothic. 然而,无论是扇形穹顶还是尖拱,都成为哥特式建筑的本质。
104631 Yet by 1942, Marshall had developed the largest and clearly the ablest group of general officers in American history. 到了1942年,由于马歇尔将军的用人得当,已替美国造就了一大批有史以来最能干的将领。
104632 Yet by the mid-sixteenth century, wealthy Parisians started investing in property here. 到16世纪中期,富有的巴黎人开始在这里投资地产。
104633 Yet by then it was clear that Versailles had established a kind of supra-political role as a republican palace: it was where constitutional amendments were agreed by the two assemblies. 然而很显然,此后作为共和国宫殿的凡尔赛宫开始扮演一种"超政治"角色:议会两院在这里通过宪法修正案。
104634 Yet change there was over time, and as wealth and stability faded, so did the technical capacity and skill they supported. 然而,随着时间的推移,改变也在推进,富足和稳定不再,需要以此为根基的技术生产力和工艺技巧也随之消失。