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104615 Yet alongside these were vast numbers of servants working for courtiers, and usually housed outside the palace. 除此之外,还有大量为廷臣服务的仆役,他们通常住在宫殿之外。
104616 Yet although forts were similar and recognisably of a kind, no two were identical, and the fuller excavations carried out on some sites in recent years reveal successive re-designs that were often drastically different. 不过,虽然各处要塞设计相近、外观相似,但没有哪两座要塞是一模一样的。近几年对几处遗址进行的更全面发掘,揭示出后续要塞经历过重新设计,且往往与之前的明显不同。
104617 Yet although he never saw Britain or its northern frontier, he had very different plans for his army there. 虽然从未踏足不列颠或帝国北境,但他对那里的军队做出了自己的安排。
104618 Yet an investigation of the process by which buildings rise reveals that unfortunate cases can in the end always be attributed not to the hand of God, or to any immovable economic or political necessities, or to the entrenched wishes of purchasers, or to some new depths of human depravity, but to a pedestrian combination of low ambition, ignorance, greed and accident. 然而你如果调查建筑兴建的过程,你就会发现这些不幸的案例归根结底并不能归咎于上帝之手,或归咎于任何不可动摇的经济或政治必然性,也不能归因于买家不容改易的愿望或出于人类更深的腐化堕落,其归根结底的原因在于缺乏雄心、无知愚昧、贪心不足与全属凑巧的混同一气。
104619 Yet any organization rests on this mixture. 然而任何组织都少不了这种协调。
104620 Yet architectural diversity is a good thing. 然而,建筑多样性是一件好事。
104621 Yet architecture has repeatedly defied attempts for it to be set on a more scientific, rule-laden path. 然而,建筑的实践却不断地公然藐视各种想促其走上一条更加科学、符合规范的道路的尝试。
104622 Yet architecture is as much about space and illusion as it is about practicality. 建筑关乎空间和错觉,也具有实用性。
104623 Yet as the 2010 Serpentine Pavilion illustrates, even when educated clients with deep pockets hire truly gifted designers, success is by no means guaranteed. 甚至正如蛇形画廊2010年临时展馆例证的那样,即使受过良好教育、有着充足资金的客户,聘用了确实是才华横溢的设计师,也不能绝对保证成功。
104624 Yet as we have seen, most polities, societies, and individuals have not treated it as such. 然而正如我们已经看到的那样,大多数政体、社会、个人并没把它当回事。