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104605 Yet Senggelinqin did the contrary by telling the imperial court that “with the barbarians’ guns in our hands, we are ready for war” (quoted in Tsiang 1929, 82). 可是相反,僧格林沁却上奏朝廷说:蛮夷的枪炮在我手里,我们已作好打仗的准备。
104606 Yet Sloan was far from a patient man. 斯隆用人如此谨慎,然而我们也知道,其实在别的方面他并不是一个很有耐心的人。
104607 Yet Sullivan had always articulated the skin of his structures with delicate and subtle ornament. 沙利文习惯把建筑物外表装饰得精美而细腻。
104608 Yet Wright wasn't destined for happiness. 然而,赖特注定不能幸福。
104609 Yet a concern for architecture has never been free from a degree of suspicion. 然而对建筑历来不乏一定的疑虑。
104610 Yet a decision will not become effective unless the action commitments have been built into the decision from the start. 然而打从决策开始,我们就应该将行动的承诺纳入决策中,否则便是纸上谈兵。
104611 Yet a fairer response to the setbacks associated with Neo-Palladian principles would be greater subtlety rather than nervous silence. 不过,对新版帕拉弟奥式原则的出师不利做出更加公正的回应却要比不安的沉默更加奥妙得多。
104612 Yet against this mortal danger provision was not made in one way (to man's thoughts the simplest, the most natural, the most effective), by withdrawing from the worship of the Divine Being whatever could delight the sense, or shape the imagination, or limit the idea of Deity to place. 然而为了防止这种致命的危险,并不能仅仅用某一种方式(人类心中的最简单、最自然、最有效的方式),仅仅在敬神时,把可能带来感官愉悦、影响想象或者把神的概念仅仅局限于某个地点的部分撤除。
104613 Yet all these disparate characters will settle side by side, end to end, in creamy mortar, conforming to the selfsame master scheme, perfectly balanced between singularity and concord. 然而,所有这些浑然不同的角色却都要肩并肩、首尾相连地用奶油色的灰泥砌在一起,而且是遵照一个总的规划,在特异与和谐之间求得一个完美的平衡。
104614 Yet alongside the playfulness there has to be an understanding of site, context, and the needs of users, particularly when the design intervention is made to last. 然而除了乐趣以外,其中还有对场地、内涵和用户需求的理解,当设计将会造成长期影响的时候更是如此。