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104545 Yangzhou's artistic potted plants and miniature landscapes differ from those of Suzhou and Hangzhou in that they are exceptionally sturdy, dynamic and resistant to wind and frost. 扬州盆景刚劲坚挺,能耐风霜,与苏杭不同。
104546 Yangzhou's classical dwellings are adapted with a fair degree of flexibility to the direction of the street or lane in which they are located, and their interiors are labyrinthine and replete with changes. 住宅是按街巷的朝向布置,在处理上大体符合“因地制宜”的要求,较为灵活,而内部尤曲折多变。
104547 Yangzhou's flowering trees include osmanthus, crabapple, yulan magnolia, camellia, pomegranate, wisteria, plum, wintersweet, flowering peach, banksia rose, rose bush, China rose, and azalea. 花树有桂、海棠、玉兰、山茶、石榴、紫藤、梅、腊梅、碧桃、木香、蔷薇、月季、杜鹃等。
104548 Yangzhou's gardens and former mansions were concentrated in city proper, whereas its largest buildings were mostly in the New City. 当时扬州园林与住宅的分布,比较集中在城区,而最大的建筑又多在新城部分。
104549 Yangzhou's huge fleets of salt-shipping boats enabled local gentries and merchants to ship in more varieties of stones for artificial mountains than Suzhou from as near as Zhenjiang, Gaozi, Jurong, Suzhou, Yixing, Wuxing and Wukang and as far as Xuancheng, Lingbi and Hekou of Anhui and Jiangxi, over and above rocks of exotic shapes and images or unusual qualities from southwestern China. 这对豪华的园林来说,是最有利的条件。叠山所用的石材,又多利用盐船回载,近则取自江浙的镇江、高资、句容、苏州、宜兴、吴兴、武康等地,远则运自皖赣的徽州府属——宣城、灵璧、河口等处,更有少量奇峰异石罗致自西南诸省的,因此石材的品种要比苏州所用为多。
104550 Yangzhou's miniature landscapes follow a hallowed tradition that has long been neck and neck with those of Suzhou in the Jiangnan area. 盆景在扬州一带有其悠久的历史,与江南苏州颉颃久矣。
104551 Yangzhou's parasol trees are marked for their speedy growth rate. Whether they are planted in a garden or a courtyard, they never fail to shield people from the high-noon sun with their green trunks and coolness-gathering foliage, and they join weeping willows to steal the limelight of the city's scenic beauty in summer and spring. 梧桐在扬州生长甚速,碧干笼阴,不论在园林或庭院中,都给人以清雅凉爽之感,与柳色分占夏春二季的风光。
104552 Yangzhou's prosperity peaked as a result, even though her wealth failed to grow substantially for one reason or another. The Grand Canal dug under Emperor Yang's reign turned the city into a pivotal link on this waterway that spanned south and north China and provided favorable conditions for economic development. 但是隋炀帝时所开凿的运河,则又使扬州成为掌握南北水路交通的枢纽,为以后的经济繁荣提供了有利的条件。
104553 Yangzhou's sweet flags, which are verdant all year round growing purely in water contained in bowls fashioned out of palm sheaths, are unseen elsewhere, and the potted asters developed by local floriculturists are a fabulous local specialty as well. 又有山水盆景,分旱盆、水盆两种,咫尺山林,亦多别出心裁。棕碗菖蒲,根不着土,以水滋养,终年青葱,为他处所不常见。
104554 Yangzhou-Style Miniature Landscape Art Museum 扬派盆景艺术博物馆