ID 原文 译文
104525 YMYZ 1984, 127–128; Walrond 1872, 360). Some wealthy merchants in Beijing also tried to stop the advancing enemies by presenting them with cows and sheep as gifts but to no avail (Weng Tonghe 1970, 1:193). 虽然北京城内有部分富商尝试向联军献上牛羊作为礼物,以冀敌人不再前进,但却没有半点帮助。
104526 YMYZ 1984, 139; YMYJ 1981, 1:209). It seems that the Qing authorities had already bowed to the harsh reality of defeat when Beijing was surrendered. 看来在北京城投降时,清廷已经屈服于战败的残酷现实。
104527 YVAN GOLL, Tombeau du père, in Poètes d'aujourd'hui 1950 (Ed. Séghers, p. 伊凡o戈尔(Yvan Goll:"父亲的坟",《今天的诗》,50,Seghers出版社,第156页。
104528 Yahe River entered Liangxiang by Nangong Village from Hexi Village. “雅河自河西村经南宫村入良乡界”。
104529 Yale looked close enough to New York, offered a Louis Kahn building even if Kahn himself had moved on, and was on the sea. 耶鲁大学离纽约很近,拥有一座建在海边的路易斯·康设计的建筑,即使康已经离职了。
104530 Yale opened the door to new influences, both inside and outside the hothouse atmosphere of the Arts Building, temporary home of the architecture school. 耶鲁大学开启了新思潮的大门,无论在充满温室气氛的耶鲁大学美术馆--这是建筑学院的临时住所--的内部还是外部。
104531 Yamasaki idealistically declared: 'World trade means world peace… The World Trade Center is a living symbol of man's dedication to world peace.' 山崎实理想化地认为:“世界贸易意味着世界和平……世界贸易中心是人类致力于世界和平的鲜活标志。”
104532 Yan Jidao 晏几道
104533 Yan Shu 晏殊
104534 Yan's Garden 严家花园