ID 原文 译文
104484 Xianfeng's courageous admission of his misbehavior and willingness to take responsibility may suggest that he had a conscience after all. 咸丰勇于承认自己失当的行为并愿意负起责任,可见他还是有道德感的。
104485 Xianfeng's dilemma was crystal clear. 咸丰进退两难的困境昭然若揭。
104486 Xianfeng's melancholy was well conveyed by a poem composed by the gifted late Qing scholar Yang Yunshi (1875-1941): 咸丰的感伤可以从晚清才华横溢的文人杨云史(1875-1941)的诗句中表达出来:
104487 Xianfeng’s courageous admission of his misbehavior and willingness to take responsibility may suggest that he had a conscience after all. 咸丰勇于承认自己失当的行为并愿意负起责任,可见他还是有道德感的。
104488 Xianfeng’s dilemma was crystal clear. 咸丰进退两难的困境昭然若揭。
104489 Xianfeng’s melancholy was well conveyed by a poem composed by the gifted late Qing scholar Yang Yunshi (1875–1941): 咸丰的感伤可以从晚清才华横溢的文人杨云史(1875—1941)的诗句中表达出来:
104490 Xiang Wheel is large at its bottom and small on its top. 相轮底大上小,
104491 Xiang Wheel looks like a round cylindrical cone, formed by 13 layers of circles with reduced sizes in diameter and therefore also called "Thirteen Days". 相轮为圆锥体,由13个直径逐渐缩小的水平轮圈组成,故而又叫做“十三天”,给人高耸的感觉。
104492 Xiangguo Temple ●开封铁塔
104493 Xiaoshan's Collection of Lyric Poems 小山词