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104464 XXVIII. It is of course impossible to enter into details of instances belonging to so intricate division of our subject, in the compass of a general essay. XXVIII 毫无疑问,在一篇泛泛而谈的论文中,不可能对一个非常复杂的话题的具体例子进行详细讨论。
104465 XXVIII. There was, however, in this kind of involution, much to be admired as well as reprehended, the proportions of quantities were always as beautiful as they were intricate; and, though the lines of intersection were harsh, they were exquisitely opposed to the flower-work of the interposing mouldings. XXVIII 在这种内旋结构中,既有很多值得谴责的,也有很多值得欣赏的;量的比例总是既复杂,又美丽;尽管相交线粗糙,但是却和插入线条的花样形状形成令人赏心悦目的对比。
104466 XXX. The other condition of architectural treatment which we proposed to notice was the abstraction of imitated form. XXX 我们建议要加以注意的建筑处理的另一条件就是被模仿形状的抽象化。
104467 XXXI. I have said that all art is abstract in its beginnings; that is to say, it expresses only a small number of the qualities of the thing represented. XXXI 我已经说过一切艺术起初都是抽象的,换句话说,它只表现了所表达的事物的少数特征。
104468 XXXII. Happily his opinion is frankly expressed. XXXII 令人高兴的是,他的观点被如实表达了出来。
104469 XXXIII. Nearness to the eye, however, is not the only circumstance which influences architectural abstraction. XXXIII 不过接近人眼并不是影响建筑中抽象手法使用的唯一因素。
104470 XXXIV. Under these limitations, then, I think that perfect sculpture may be made a part of the severest architecture; but this perfection was said in the outset to be dangerous. XXXIV 在这样的限制之下,我想完美的雕塑可以成为最严肃的建筑的一部分,但是我们一开始就说过,这种完美是危险的。
104471 XXXIX. I conclude, then, that all arrangements of color, for its own sake, in graceful forms, are barbarous; and that, to paint a color pattern with the lovely lines of a Greek leaf moulding, is an utterly savage procedure. XXXIX 于是我得出结论:凡是为了色彩本身的缘故而使用优美的形状,这种设计都是野蛮的;把颜色图案绘制成希腊叶形饰的可爱线条是一个完全野蛮的过程。
104472 XXXV. III. Our final inquiry was to be into the use of color as associated with architectural ornament. XXXV 我们最后将探讨与建筑装饰有关的色彩的使用。
104473 XXXVI. First, then, I think that in making this reference we are to consider our building as a kind of organized creature; in coloring which we must look to the single and separately organized creatures of Nature, not to her landscape combinations. XXXVI 首先,我想我们在提到这件事时,应当把建筑看成是一种有机物;在着色时,我们必须向大自然中的独立的有机体学习,而不是向风景组合学习。