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104444 XX. Thus in the use of brick; since that is known to be originally moulded, there is no reason why it should not be moulded into diverse forms. XX 因此在砖的使用过程中,既然人们晓得砖可以具有独创的形状,就没有理由不把砖制成各种形状。
104445 XXI. XXI 我首先必须提及威利斯(Willis)教授对窗花格起源的叙述,见其著作《中世纪建筑》第六章。
104446 XXI. Another of the strange and evil tendencies of the present day is to the decoration of the railroad station. XXI 目前,另一种奇怪而邪恶的趋势表现在火车站的装饰当中。
104447 XXI. I have dwelt, however, perhaps, too long upon that form of vitality which is known almost as much by its errors as by its atonements for them. XXI 生命力的错误几乎和纠正错误一样闻名,我对它也许谈得太多了。
104448 XXII. It is evident that, for architectural appliances, such masculine handling, likely as it must be to retain its effectiveness when higher finish would be injured by time, must always be the most expedient; and as it is impossible, even were it desirable that the highest finish should be given to the quantity of work which covers a large building, it will be understood how precious the intelligence must become, which renders incompletion itself a means of additional expression; and how great must be the difference, when the touches are rude and few, between those of a careless and those of a regardful mind. XXII 显然,对于建筑应用而言,这种阳刚的处理方法在更高级的终饰因年久而受损时,必须保持其效果,因此必然总是最合适的;在整个建筑的表面使用最高级的终饰以提高质量即使很需要,但是由于不可能做到,因此必须明白在智力使得不完整本身变成的额外的表现方式时,智力变得有多么重要,而且必须明白当用刀少而粗野时,粗心之作和精心之作之间有多大差别。
104449 XXII. It is not however only in these marked situations that the abuse of which I speak takes place. XXII 我前面说过的滥用装饰不仅仅出现在这些著名的情况下。
104450 XXII. Now, it will be noticed that, during the whole of this process, the attention is kept fixed on the forms of the penetrations, that is to say, of the lights as seen from the interior, not of the intermediate stone. XXII 如今人们将会注意到,在这一过程的整个过程中,注意力都集中于刺孔的形状上,也就是说从内部所看到的光线的形状,而不是中间的石头的形状。
104451 XXIII. Each of the angles, it was said, is filled by an animal. XXIII 据说,每一只角里面都有一只动物。
104452 XXIII. It is interesting to follow into its many ramifications, the influence of the corrupting principle; but we have seen enough of it to enable us to draw our practical conclusion-a conclusion a thousand times felt and reiterated in the experience and advice of every practised artist, but never often enough repeated, never profoundly enough felt. XXIII 穷究这条腐败的原则的结果很有趣,但是我们见到的已经足够多,使我们能够从实践中得出结论--每一个艺术家在实践和忠告中已经感受和重复了一千遍的一个结论,但是重复的次数却还不够多,感受也不够深。
104453 XXIII. Must not beauty, then, it will be asked, be sought for in the forms which we associate with our every-day life? XXIII 然后有人要问:难道美不应当在和我们的日常生活息息相关的形式中寻找吗?