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104381 |
X. Nor is there, indeed, any present loss, in such respect, for futurity. |
X 在这一方面,目前也没有因为将来而遭受的损失。 |
104382 |
X. This, however, may perhaps be partly attributable to some accommodation of the accidental distortions which evidently took place in the walls of the cathedral during their building, as much as in those of the campanile. |
X 不过造成这一切的部分原因也许是因为在大教堂的墙壁建造过程中,就像钟楼的墙壁一样,明显地发生了变形。 |
104385 |
XI. But it will be said that all this want of organisation and form might be affirmed of drapery also, and that this latter is a noble subject of sculpture. |
XI 然而我们却可以说这种缺乏组织和形状也会出现在衣纹中,而后者却是雕塑的一个高尚的主题。 |
104386 |
XI. For that period, then, we must build; not, indeed, refusing to ourselves the delight of present completion, nor hesitating to follow such portions of character as may depend upon delicacy of execution to the highest perfection of which they are capable, even although we may know that in the course of years such details must perish; but taking care that for work of this kind we sacrifice no enduring quality, and that the building shall not depend for its impressiveness upon anything that is perishable. |
XI 我们必须使得建筑那么长命;我们并不真的拒绝完成建筑时的快乐,对依靠精细的做工而达到完美的那部分特性的追求也毫不犹豫,尽管我们也许知道随着岁月的流逝,这些细节将会湮灭。我们小心谨慎,不因为这类建筑而牺牲永久特性,不让建筑的壮观依赖于易腐之物。 |
104387 |
XI. Kuang-sheng Ssu, Huo Shan, Unusual Construction and Unusual Mural-painting |
拾壹 霍山广胜寺,非凡的建筑与非凡的壁画 |
104388 |
XI. The limit, however, thus determined, is an ultimate one, and it is well in all things to be cautious how we approach the utmost limit of lawfulness; so that, although the employment of metal within this limit cannot be considered as destroying the very being and nature of architecture, it will, if, extravagant and frequent, derogate from the dignity of the work, as well as (which is especially to our present point) from its honesty. |
XI 这个如此确定的界限是不容置疑的。在一切事物当中,我们在走向合法的边缘时,最好谨慎一些,这样尽管在这个界限之内使用金属不会被看成对建筑本身及其性质造成了破坏,不过倘若过度而频繁使用,将不仅降低其诚实(这正是我们当前讨论的内容),而且会削弱其尊贵。 |
104389 |
XI. The other condition which we had to notice, was the value of the appearance of labor upon architecture. |
XI 我们必须注意的另一个条件是付着在建筑之上的劳动所表现出的价值。 |
104390 |
XI. There is another very curious instance of distortion above the central door of the west front. |
XI 在西侧中央大门的上方,还有另一例奇特的变形。 |
104391 |
XI. Thus far, then, of general forms, and of the modes in which the scale of architecture is best to be exhibited. |
XI 有关最能反映建筑规模的一般形式和方式的讨论就到此为止。 |
104393 |
XII. And, in order to avoid an over use of this liberty, it would be well to consider what application may be conveniently made of the dovetailing and various adjusting of stones; for when any artifice is necessary to help the mortar, certainly this ought to come before the use of metal, for it is both safer and more honest. |
XII 为了避免滥用这种自由,我们应该考虑如何方便地使用鸠尾榫等各种手段来使得石头与石头相衔接。当需要使用某种手段来帮助泥灰时,这种方法不仅更安全,而且也更诚实,因此肯定要优先于使用金属。 |