ID 原文 译文
104340 Writers note them in passing but vary them hardly at all. And yet what a lesson in solitude! 作家对它们只是一笔带过,几乎不对它们作任何发挥。
104341 Writes to the government of Pingyao county, Shanxi province, with a demand for the conservation of the ancient city of Pingyao. 写信给山西平遥县政府,要求保护好平遥古城。
104342 Writing about the erasure of traces of coal mining from the Dearne Valley in South Yorkshire, the ecologist and priest John Rodwell wrote that in the case of a human individual we would 'regard memory-loss as a pathology worthy of concern'. 生态学家兼牧师约翰o罗德韦尔在写到南约克郡迪恩河谷被抹除的煤矿遗迹时说,对于人类个体,我们会"把记忆丧失看作一种值得关注的病理现象"。
104343 Writing about the movement of a ship, he said, "The poetic idea that emanates from this operation of movement inside the lines is the hypothesis of a vast, immense creature, complicated but eurhythmic, an animal endowed with genius, suffering and sighing every sigh and every human ambition." 对于一艘航船的运动,波德莱尔这样写道:"在直线上运动的过程所引发的诗兴是一个假想的宽广、广阔、复杂但却声律协调的存在,一个充满天赋的动物,承受并呼出所有的叹息和所有的人类理想。"
104344 Writing at the dawn of the age of the skyscraper, Sullivan advised his readers that many of the new tall buildings were in danger of stylistic incoherence. 沙利文写于摩天大楼刚刚兴起时期的这篇文章认为众多新造的高楼都存在风格不协调的问题。
104345 Writing his memoirs many years after the event, he was damning in his judgement on the site of the palace: it was, he said, 'the saddest and most unrewarding of places, with no view, no woods, no water and no earth; for it is all shifting sand and marsh, and the air is consequently bad'. 多年后撰写回忆录时,他痛斥路易十四的宫殿选址决策:在他看来,那是"最令人神伤且不值得留恋的地方,那里没有风景,没有树林,没有水源,没有土壤。那里只有流沙和沼泽,所以空气也十分糟糕"。
104346 Writing near the middle of the sixth century, the British monk Gildas gave a muddled version of its history, claiming that it was raised after the end of the Roman province. 公元6世纪中叶,不列颠僧侣吉尔达斯曾在作品中模糊地提及了这段历史,称长城是在不列颠脱离罗马后才建起的。
104347 Writing of the phenomenon of acoustic forms in an article entitled "espace indicible" ("ineffable space") he explained how "the work (architecture, statue or painting) acts on its surroundings: waves, cries or clamour (the Parthenon on the Acropolis) flashing out like radiating rays (...); both in the immediate vicinity and further afield these shake, dominate or caress the site (...) 柯布西耶在一篇题为《不可言喻的空间》(espace indicible)的文章中提到过声响形式的存在,他阐释说:“设计作品(建筑、雕塑或绘画)以各种方式作用于其所处环境:在雅典卫城的帕提农神殿,人潮、叫嚷、喧嚣向周围四散传递……
104348 Writing this book, I have found myself thinking more and more about my own parents, and my brother. 写这本书的时候,我发现自己越来越多地想起自己的父母和弟弟。彼得和我在长大成人后才变得更加亲密。
104349 Written 300 years later, it is a semi-mythical account of the building. CAROLINE GOODSON (V/O): 因晚于教堂落成三百年,该书对教堂的叙述参有一定的神秘色彩。