ID 原文 译文
104270 Would I be happy to have this furniture around? 这件家具摆在身边,我会感到愉快吗?
104271 Would a bird build its nest if it did not have its instinct for confidence in the world? 鸟儿如果没有对世界的本能信赖,它还会建造鸟巢吗?
104272 Would it be allowed to blossom, or 'be doomed to crouch and wither in the groinings, vaultings, tracery, pointed roof and flying buttresses of a Gothic building?' 这种风格会兴旺吗?或者哥特式建筑的交叉拱、拱顶结构、花饰窗格、尖顶和飞拱注定会消沉衰弱呢?
104273 Would my experience of it be aggravating or disorienting and frustrating, or rewarding? 我觉得它让人烦躁、迷惑、沮丧,还是愉快?
104274 Would not one such work be better than a thousand histories? 这样的作品难道不胜过一千本史书?
104275 Would that modern-day cities were so enlightened. 然而现代的城市却没有如此进步。
104276 Would you lend me your information? (handbook, brochure) 可否将你的资料(手册、小册)借给我?
104277 Would you like a bowl of soup? 你要一碗汤吗?
104278 Would you like a cup of tea (milk, coffee, cocoa, orange juice, mineral water)? 干杯!你要一杯茶(牛奶、咖啡、可可、桔子汁、矿泉水)吗?
104279 Would you like to see this process (machine)? 你要看看这工艺方法(机器)吗?