ID 原文 译文
104200 Wooden floors offer analogous pleasures when planks, which once had the pulse of nature flowing through them, submit to the will of the saw and yet when, within each plank, enough signs of life remain to counterpoint the carpenter's geometry. 木地板也能予我们类似的乐趣,前提是曾经流淌着鲜活树液的板材在经受过斧锯之后还能在横平竖直的规范下保持足够的生命迹象。
104201 Wooden pagoda, having many side effects, was gradually changed to brick pagoda. 有着诸多弊病的木塔逐渐向砖石塔过渡,
104202 Wooden pagodas in China or Beijing didn't survive due to those two factors. 中国或者北京大量的木塔很少留存下来,基本上是这两个因素造成的。
104203 Wooden screens have a universal appeal for their dramatic appearance and serious sun-shading ability in hot weather. 由于大气的外形和在炎热气候下强大的遮阳功能,木质屏风广受人们的喜爱。
104204 Wooden structures in this mansion are all fashioned out of unadorned choice fir shipped in from the Hu-Guang region39, and all the interior decoration and furnishing are made of delicately carved Phoebe nanmu. 这宅用材精选湖广杉木,皆不髹饰。装修皆用楠木,雕刻工细。
104205 Wooden structures of later periods are found in increasing numbers. 唐朝以后的木构建筑保留的数量逐渐增多。
104206 Woodlands Community Garden shed. 伍德兰社区花园棚,加拿大温哥华。
104207 Woodrow Wilson 伍德罗o威尔逊
104208 Words are clamor-filled shells. 词语,词语就是装满叫喊声的贝壳。
104209 Words indicating persons or parties include corporation and other legal entities, except where the context requires otherwise. 除上下文另有要求外,文中人员或当事各方等词语包括公司和其他合法实体。