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104190 |
Women's Opportunity Center. |
妇女重建自给中心,卢旺达卡永扎。 |
104191 |
Wood is warm to the touch, and it lends a sense of traditional craft to this otherwise coolly mechanical assembly. |
因为木材摸起来很暖和,并且给人们一种传统工艺的手工质感,而不是冰冷的机械感。 |
104192 |
Wood pagoda was with features of earthquake-resistance, being easy to build and being able to reach a higher altitude and so on. |
木塔具有抗震、便于建造和能达到较高的高度等特点。 |
104193 |
Wood's grain exhibits an appealing tension of pattern and irregularity. |
木材的纹路好像有规律,又好像没规律,给人一种矛盾的魅力。 |
104194 |
Wood, who taught sketching there, scribbled a drawing of the window and part of the house on the back of an envelope, before returning to his studio. |
伍德在这里讲授素描课程,他将屋子的一部分和窗户的草图画在信封的背面后邮寄回自己的工作室。 |
104195 |
Wood-and-canvas director's chairs completed the décor. |
屋内的装饰有一把木头和帆布材质的导演椅就足够了。 |
104196 |
Wood-handled banister in a bright yellow stairwell, Paimio Sanatorium (Alvar Aalto), Paimio, Finland. Photo: Maija Holma, Alvar Aalto Museum. |
图2-4 木扶手亮黄色楼梯:芬兰帕伊米奥,帕伊米奥疗养院(Paimio Sanitorium)(阿尔瓦o阿尔托) |
104197 |
Wood-like Corner Bracket |
仿木构角科斗拱 |
104198 |
Wood-like Flat Bracket |
仿木构平身科斗拱 |
104199 |
Wooden bridges, while rarely seen in a small private garden, were numerous in the Yuanming Yuan. |
至于木桥,虽然很少在小型的私人庭园里看到,但在圆明园里却非常之多。 |