ID 原文 译文
104180 Witold Rybczynski, Propylaea seen from Parthenon, July 11, 1964 图5-1 维托尔德•雷布琴斯基,从帕特农神庙看卫城前门,1964-7-11
104181 Wittkower traces the evolution of this idea through Plato back to the Pythagoreans. 威特科尔根据这个想法的演变,从柏拉图一直追寻到毕达哥拉斯学派。
104182 Wodehouse had complained about the prisonlike quality of the Great British bathroom. 佩勒姆·G.伍德豪斯对这个英国建筑中酷似监狱的浴室抱怨连连。
104183 Wohlert and Bo renovated the old house and added two freestanding galleries, which were connected to the house—and each other—by glazed corridors. 沃勒特和布翻新了老房子,并在其基础上增设了两个独立的画廊。它们通过玻璃连廊与房子连接,同时也彼此相连。
104184 Wolf Hill Park 狼山公园
104185 Wolfberry and Aster Chamber 杞菊斋
104186 Wolseley went on to say that the "officers and men seemed to have been seized with a temporary insanity; in body and soul they were absorbed in one pursuit, which was plunder, plunder" (1862, 227). 沃尔斯利还指出,"那些军官和士兵似乎陷入暂时性的疯狂,他们的身心只专注于一件事,就是抢劫、抢劫"。
104187 Wolseley went on to say that the “officers and men seemed to have been seized with a temporary insanity; in body and soul they were absorbed in one pursuit, which was plunder, plunder” (1862, 227). 沃尔斯利还指出,"那些军官和士兵似乎陷入暂时性的疯狂,他们的身心只专注于一件事,就是抢劫、抢劫"。
104188 Wolves in shells are crueler than stray ones. 封闭在壳里的狼比在外游荡的狼更危险。
104189 Women's Dormitory, National Peking University, Peiping, 1935 (in collaboration with Phyllis Lin); 女生宿舍,国立北京大学,北平,1935,与林徽因合作;