ID 原文 译文
104160 Without the approval of the licensing administrative organ, it may not stop or suspend its business 未经作出行政许可决定的行政机关批准, 不得擅自停业、歇业。
104161 Without the backfill, they would lift, causing the arch to collapse. NARRATOR (V/O): 没有回填料的话,构件就会往上翘,导致圆拱崩塌。
104162 Without the customer - the buyer and recipient of the firm's product or service - the firm cannot remain in business. 没有顾客--公司产品或服务的购买者和接受者,公司就不能维持经营。
104163 Without the invention of concrete the Romans could not have built on anything like the size and scale that they did. 如果没有发明混凝土,罗马人不可能建造如此大型和规模宏大的建筑物。
104164 Without the king at the helm, both the palace and town of Versailles sank fast. 少了国王掌控全局,凡尔赛的宫殿和城镇都迅速衰落。
104165 Without the region of absolute sublimation-however restrained and elevated it may be, and even though it may seem to lie beyond the reach of psychologists or psychoanalysts, who, after all, have no reason to examine pure poetry-poetry's exact polarity cannot be revealed. 如果没有绝对升华的领域--不论这一领域有多么狭窄、多么高不可攀,哪怕它看起来不在心理学家或精神分析学家的研究范围内,说到底,心理学家和精神分析学家不应该研究纯粹的诗歌--我们就不能够揭示诗歌的精确极性(polarité)。
104166 Without the use brainstorming and creating flowcharts to analyze the process and cost benefits, the area cannot be developed to the implementation stage. 如果没有大家的合力攻关和流程图的生成来分析过程和成本利益,改进的领域就发展不到改进实施阶段。
104167 Without the use brainstorming and creating flowcharts to analyze the process and cost benefits, the area cannot be developed to the implementation stage. 没有绘图,也可以说就没有土木工程。而每一个土木工程师都必须知道绘图的元素以及如何获得绘图所需的测量结果,这一过程在英语中被称为测量。
104168 Without these loud reminders, you may even forget your ground source heat pump system is there. Section A 空气调节 没有这些噪声的提醒,您甚至可能忘了地源热泵系统的存在了。
104169 Without these, there would be no "ancient site" to speak of; rather, we had better call such a place "scenic site." None is more unfeeling than willows by palace walls; Enshrouded in green mist the ten-li causeway stays. “无情最是台城柳,依旧烟笼十里堤。”