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104130 Without enlightened regulation and demand, the public good can be served in a sustained way only to the extent that doing so reaps a profit. 如果没有开明的监管和要求,房地产开发项目只有在盈利前提下,才会考虑去持续造福大众。
104131 Without entering into descriptive detail, it is possible to globally define the way in which Le Corbusier distributed his palette of colour to the villa's interior spaces. 不需要再研究细节,我们就有可能总结出勒•柯布西耶在别墅室内空间的用色规律。
104132 Without even laying eyes on the insignia of the government which sponsored it, we would almost certainly sense something ominous, aggressive and defiant emanating from this 500-foot Neoclassical colossus. 我们都不用看那届德国政府的徽章,就差不多肯定能感受到这个高达五百英尺的新古典主义巨像传达出来的某种威胁、好斗和挑衅的感觉,咄咄逼人。
104133 Without even thinking about it, we can identify the areas where we can take refuge to hide and to rest, as well as to prospect so that we can find water and food. 我们甚至想都不用想就能找到可以躲避风雨的地方,以及可以买到食物的地方。
104134 Without even thinking that he is scandalizing reasonable men, contrary to the most ordinary common sense, he actually experiences reversal of dimensions or inversion of the perspective of inside and outside. 他甚至没有想过他在诬蔑合乎理性的人,尽管他仅仅是出于好意。他体验到大小的颠倒,内与外的视角的翻转。
104135 Without him, the Pompidou Centre would never have been built. 如果没有他,蓬皮杜中心永远不会建成。
104136 Without honouring any gods, a piece of domestic architecture, no less than a mosque or a chapel, can assist us in the commemoration of our genuine selves. 无须崇拜任何神祇,一个家就能帮助我们怀想起我们真正的自我,其作用并不逊于一座清真寺或是小教堂。
104137 Without it, a man shortchanges himself, deprives his organization, and cheats the people he works with. 没有这项承诺,管理者就等于没有尽到自己的责任,这必将有损于其服务的组织,也必将有损于与其共事的同事。
104138 Without it, man would be a dispersed being. It maintains him through the storms of the heavens and through those of life. 家宅在自然的风暴和人生的风暴中保卫着人。
104139 Without it, the knowledge people either lose enthusiasm and become time-servers, or they direct their energies toward their specialty and away from the opportunities and needs of the organization. 如果没有这样的交流,知识工作者就容易丧失热情,成为得过且过的人,或者是只关注自己的专业领域,看不到整个组织的需要和机会。不过,进行这样的交流是很费时间的,特别是这种交流必须在不慌不忙、轻松自在的气氛下进行。