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104070 Within 84 days after receiving such reference, or within such other period as may be proposed by the DAB and approved by both Parties, the DAB shall give its decision, which shall be reasoned and shall state that it is given under this Sub-Clause. 在争端裁决委员会收到上述争端事宜的提交后84天内,或在争端裁决委员会建议并由双方批准的此类其他时间内,争端裁决委员会应作出决定,该决定应是合理的,并应声明该决定是根据本款作出的。
104071 Within 84 days after receiving the Taking-Over Certificate for the Works, the Contractor shall submit to the Employer six copies of a Statement at completion with supporting documents, in accordance with Sub-Clause 14.3 [Application for Interim Payments], showing: 在收到工程接收证书后84天内,承包商应按照第14.3款[期中付款的申请]的要求,向雇主递交竣工报表并附证明文件,一式六份,列出:
104072 Within 84 days after receiving the Taking-Over Certificate for the Works, the Contractor shall submit to the Engineer six copies of a Statement at completion with supporting documents, in accordance with Sub-Clause 14.3 [Application for Interim Payment Certificates], showing: 在收到工程的接收证书后84天内,承包商应向工程师提交按其批准的格式编制的竣工报表一式六份,并附第14.3款[期中支付证书的申请]要求的证明文件,详细说明:
104073 Within Forms Concrete shall be systematically deposited in shallow layers and at such rate as to maintain, until the completion of the unit, a plastic surface approximately horizontal throughout. 入模 混凝土应当有条理地按薄层浇筑,并保持这种的速度,直到浇筑完整个单元,整个单元的塑性表面大致水平。
104074 Within a certain radius, houses would uniformly be constructed of a particular native material, which would cede its ubiquity to another on the opposite side of a river or a mountain range. 在特定的范围内,房子千篇一律全由某种特定的本地材料筑成,如此一来,只要隔一条河或是一座山,房子可能就会大不相同。
104075 Within a decade, he was counting half of the twenty-two fellow residents of the townhouses among his closest friends. 不到10年,排屋区22个邻居中有一半成了他最亲密的朋友。
104076 Within a decade, the raised-deck concept was set aside, and soon even the contrived forty-five-degree diagonal geometry of the original plan was ignored. 不到10年,抬高的平台设计概念就被搁置了,紧接着连最初平面设计的45°对角线也被忽视了。
104077 Within a few days or weeks, the entire discretionary time will then be gone again, nibbled away by new crises, new immediacies, new trivia. 几天或几星期后,他已经“集中”的自由时间,又会被那些所谓“新的问题、新的紧急事件、新的麻烦”瓜分得无影无踪了。
104078 Within a few years the workers therefore transformed their all-but-identical Corbusian cubes into uniquely differentiated, private spaces capable of reminding them of the things which their working lives had stripped away. 因此,不出几年时间,工人们就将整齐划一的勒科比西埃匣子变成了各不相同的私人空间,使他们身处其间可以回想起一点已经被打工生活剥夺了的过去的种种。
104079 Within a few years, his suggestion would be consummately realised in the great skyscrapers of New York and Chicago, whose beauty seems the result of just such a decision to speak solely and in unison about height. 不出几年,他的建议就在纽约与芝加哥那些伟大的摩天大楼身上得到圆满的实现,它们所具有的美就仿佛下定决心一心一意齐声宣扬高度的结果。