ID 原文 译文
104050 With various scenes in Kaifeng as raw materials, the painting which is 24.8 centimeters long and 528 centimeters wide, paints more than 500 people and thus is a lively portrayal of Kaifeng on the day of Qingming. 作品纵24.8厘米,横528厘米,图中人物多达500余人,真实再现了当时开封清明时节的盛况。全图结构完整,描绘准确,被传为希世珍品。
104051 With virtues better defined and more readily integrated into architectural discussions, we would stand a fairer chance of systematically understanding and re-creating the environments we intuitively love. 有了这些经过进一步定义、更容易应用于建筑讨论的美德的名号,我们将更有可能系统地理解并重建我们原本只是凭直觉喜爱的环境。
104052 With warfare increasingly tying the king's hands, plans for new projects were put on hold and the buildings budget for Versailles was severely reduced. 战争进一步束缚了国王的行动,新的工程计划被搁置,凡尔赛宫的建筑预算也遭到严重削减。
104053 With water and wind, this stuff gets blown away, and what you’re looking at here is an eroded surface that over many years has lost its strength, and to prevent that happening what they did was they applied a--a--a lime and sand stucco, which is what this finish is here. 由于水和风的作用,这种东西会剥落,你看这里的表面就受到了侵蚀,年代久了,它就不那么结实了。为了防止出现这种情况 他们用——用石灰和沙子和成泥,就像这里这个样子。
104054 With what art, to begin with, he achieves absolute silence, the immensity of these silent stretches of space! 首先,作家描写绝对的寂静和巨大的寂静空间时用了多么高超的技巧!
104055 With what fantasy he conferred multiple curvature on space! 他通过怎样的突发奇想把各种曲线赋予空间!
104056 With what joy you changed yourself into an old shoe, picked out of the gutter, saved from being swept out with the rubbish." 你用多大的幸福把自己变成一只被遗弃的拖鞋,躲过水流,从垃圾堆里被救出来。"
104057 With which ready-made garments shall we invest it?" 我们将为它穿上哪一件已经裁剪好的衣服?"
104058 With winding river flowing forward, in the background of river and rails, the bridge is like a rainbow running through the south and north, 随河蜿蜒向前延伸,河水、护栏陪衬着石桥,在斜阳照射下犹如一弯彩虹贯穿南北,
104059 Withholding agents and taxpayers personally filing tax returns must make reports according to the facts and provide all relevant information. They may not refuse to cooperate and may not conceal the facts. 扣缴义务人和自行申报纳税人必须据实报告, 并提供有关资料, 不得拒绝或者隐瞒。