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104040 With this fascination came a renewed interest in Britain's often glorious medieval architecture, and its heritage of magnificent cathedrals like Winchester and Wells. 伴随着历史散发出的魅力,人们对英国辉煌的中世纪建筑和它的传承诸如温切斯特教堂和威尔斯教堂这种富丽堂皇的教堂产生了新的兴趣。
104041 With this glass in his hand, he returns to the garden, 借助于它,植物学家重新回到花园里,在花园里:
104042 With this idea in mind, he started work on his plan. 在这样的启发下,他拿起圆规和尺,开始画他的图纸。
104043 With this poem, Henri Michaux has juxtaposed in us claustrophobia and agoraphobia; he has aggravated the line of demarcation between outside and inside. 亨利o米绍用他的诗在我们心中并列了幽闭恐惧症和旷野恐惧症。他加大了内部空间与外部空间的疆界。
104044 With this simple palette, the "old magus," as his biographer Brendan Gill called him, cast his spell. 就这样,这位“老魔术师”用如此简单的一组配色施展了他的魔法。“老魔术师”是赖特的传记作者布伦丹•吉尔(Brendan Gill)给他起的绰号。
104045 With this treatment, a cross-wise axis is definitely introduced. 如此一来,形成了鲜明的十字交叉轴线布局。
104046 With tidy characters engraved from skillfully cut models, white and durable paper as well as high-quality ink, the engraved books were spoken highly of as "wonders" by scholars and are still regarded so by today's scholars. 当时杭州刊印的书籍,字体工整,刀法娴熟,纸质坚白,墨色清香,被古今的学者们一致称赞。
104047 With time, we can accept and love Rococo detailing on its own terms, rather than seeing it as a mere symbol of aristocratic decadence cut short by revolutionary vengeance. 事易时移之后,我们就能做到因其本身的风格接受并热爱洛可可式的细节设计,而不再单纯将其视作因革命复仇而愈加短寿的贵族衰亡的符号象征。
104048 With time, we may even be able to stand on the veranda of the German Ambassador's Residence and admire the proud, bold forms of its portico without being haunted by visions of storm troopers and torch-lit processions. 事过境迁之后,我们甚至有可能做到站在德国大使馆的游廊中,欣赏着廊柱高傲、雄浑的外形而不再困扰于纳粹冲锋队员以及高举火把的游行队伍的记忆。
104049 With troops in holiday dress standing at intervals of fifty yards from each other and with a blowing trumpet, the imperial procession moved slowly on a newly paved road, which had been watered to lessen the dust. 乾隆坐在八抬大轿里面,后面跟着一辆马车。身着盛装的各队列之间相隔50码(约46米),当号角吹起,乾隆的队伍在新铺的道路上缓缓前进,路上已经洒过水以减少扬尘。