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103990 With the growing interest in the Great Wall, an association has been organized in Beijing to sponsor research and promote education about the Great Wall. 随着对长城兴趣的与日俱增,北京成立了一个支持长城研究、促进长城相关教育的协会。
103991 With the growth of world urbanization in recent times, city planning as a specialized science has become more complex and more important each day. 随着当代世界性城市化的进展,城市规划作为一项专门的科学,已经变得日益复杂、也日益重要。
103992 With the help of a friend, an artillery officer, he then drew up plans for a manor house with eight towers, the center of which was to be the house he had just bought. 在一位炮兵朋友的帮助下,他绘制了一幅有八座小塔的城堡图纸,他准备买下的家宅就在这座城堡的中央。
103993 With the help of this tool, can we not find within ourselves, while dreaming in our own modest homes, the consolations of the cave? 在这个"工具"的帮助下,当我们在自己的平常家宅里做梦时,我们难道不曾在心中找回洞穴般的抚慰吗?
103994 With the house image we are in possession of a veritable principle of psychological integration. 凭借家宅的形象,我们坚持一条真正的心理学整合原则。
103995 With the house that has been experienced by a poet, we come to a delicate point in anthropo-cosmology. 借助于诗人对家宅的体验,我们来到了人类学-宇宙学的一个关键点。
103996 With the imperial city and the imperial palace as the center, Chang'an was clearly divided into a palace area, an administrative area and a residential area. 作为全国行政中枢的皇城和宫城位于外城墙的北部中央,是唐长安城的核心。城市布局鲜明,街道整齐划一,宫殿区、行政区、住宅区等都严格分开。
103997 With the implementation of the "Internet+transport" action plan, China is encouraging the development of intelligent transport, and the application of advanced information technology and smart appliances. More efforts will be made in the development of through-transport, smart management and public information systems, in strengthening multimodal transport, and in enhancing the quality and profit of transport services. 实施“互联网+交通运输”行动计划,加快智能交通发展,推广先进信息技术和智能技术装备应用,加强联程联运系统、智能管理系统、公共信息系统建设,加快发展多式联运,提高交通运输服务质量和效益。
103998 With the information she gleaned from interviews, Bilbao constructed for only $8,000 a solid core house that is more spacious than the state-imposed 460-foot minimum. 基于走访结果,毕尔堡只用8000美元建造出一个基本功能齐全的结实房子--比该国的最低标准460英尺要宽敞。
103999 With the joint efforts of Chinese enterprises and their international partners, the Mombasa-Nairobi Railway, the Addis Ababa-Djibouti Railway, and the Orange Line metro train project in Lahore, Pakistan have been completed. 中国企业参与建成蒙内铁路、亚吉铁路、巴基斯坦拉哈尔“橙线”轨道交通项目等铁路。