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103920 With sentiments of high regard. 致以我最崇高的敬意。
103921 With side halls and monk house, dark green cypresses and golden laurels, the courtyard offers a quiet yet beautiful environment. 毗卢阁重檐歇山,飞翼挑角,蔚为壮观,配殿、僧房等附属建筑,布局整齐,自成院落。院中古柏苍苍,金桂沉静,环境清幽。
103922 With simple gravity he wrote: "We should not be surprised at the assiduity with which Nature has multiplied models of the generative organs, in view of the importance of these organs" (loc. cit., p. 73). 他简单地、从容地写道(前引书,第73页):"我们不必惊讶于大自然精心地为同一代人的身体部分提供了各种不同的样式,因为这些身体部分很重要。"
103923 With some difficulty therefore, Mies uprooted himself in mid-career, and moved to the USA, settling in Chicago, where he became Professor of Architecture at the Illinois Institute of Technology, whose campus he designed. 因而,几经周折,密斯中断了自己的事业,移居美国,落脚在芝加哥,成为伊利诺伊理工学院的一名建筑学教授,并设计了这所学院的校舍。(沃尔特·格罗皮乌斯〔3〕[Walter Gropius],包豪斯的第一任教务长也同样移居美国,成为耶鲁大学的建筑学教授。)
103924 With some oddly military features, the Church of St Francis of Assisi (Igreja de São Francisco de Assis), first begun in 1776, is particularly original. 阿西西的圣弗朗西斯教堂,具有很多古怪的军事特征,始建于1776年,非常独特。
103925 With space images, we are in a region where reduction is easy, commonplace. 确切地说,在空间形象方面,我们处在一个还原十分容易和普遍的领域里。
103926 With sparse embellishments and a layout akin to a traditional Chinese painting, this courtyard evokes elegance and quietude in ways both unconventional and ingenious. 虽点缀无多,颇曲尽画理,是一园中另辟蹊径的幽境。
103927 With stone walls and large areas of glass, it grows out of the landscape in a way that recalls Taliesin, which Mies would visit three years later. 这座房子的外立面由几面石墙和大面积的玻璃构成,而它从周围的景观中生长出来的方式,则让人不由得想起塔里耶森。三年之后,密斯才有幸拜访了塔里耶森。
103928 With such characteristics, colored glaze therefore is widely used in temple architecture so as to promote the rapid development of glazed architecture. 由于琉璃材质的特性,因此,在寺院建筑中,特别是佛教建筑中普遍使用,从而促进了琉璃建筑的迅速发展。
103929 With such reduction in strength, buildings may collapse or members may undergo such large distortions that they must be removed. 随着强度的降低,建筑物可能会发生破坏,构件可能会产生大的变形,这些破坏或变形必须消除。