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103890 |
With poetry, the imagination takes its place on the margin, exactly where the function of unreality comes to charm or to disturb-always to awaken-the sleeping being lost in its automatisms. |
随着诗歌,想象力来到边缘地带,正是在那里,非现实功能前来诱惑或者惊扰--常常是唤醒--沉睡于习惯动作中的存在。 |
103891 |
With priority focused on public transit, China will speed up the development of its urban rail and bus rapid transit, and other means of high-capacity public transport. |
实行公共交通优先,加快发展城市轨道交通、快速公交等大容量公共交通。 |
103892 |
With radiator or convector heating systems vertical temperature gradient is produced; colder at foot level than at the head. |
在辐射散热器或对流散热器的供热系统中,产生竖向温度梯度,地板处比头部冷。 |
103893 |
With regard to a construction project contract executed by a contractor exceeding its construction qualification grade, such contract may be deemed valid and the project price shall be settled according to the construction qualification grade as agreed in the contract, provided that the contractor can satisfy the requirements for the appropriate qualification grade of such project as set forth in the Construction Enterprise Qualification Grade Standards and the project satisfies the quality requirements as designed and passes acceptance inspection. |
13对承包人超越建筑资质等级签订的建设工程合同,如承包人具备《施工企业资质等级标准》的规定的可上浮与建设项目的要求相符的等级条件,工程质量符合设计要求并验收合格的,可按有效合同处理,并以合同约定的建筑资质等级结算工程款。 |
103894 |
With regard to a dispute arising from the default in payment for the project construction, if the contractor transfers its contracted construction project and the actual constructor files an action against the contractor, the employer may not be involved as a party in the action. If the contractor requires involving the employer as a third person and makes claims against the employer, the employer may be involved as a third person provided that the employer is under obligation towards the contractor and the parties concerned shall bear appropriate legal liability on the basis of different legal relationships. |
2因拖欠工程款引起的纠纷,承包人将承包的建设工程合同转包而由实际施工人起诉承包人的,可不将发包人列为案件的当事人;承包人提出将发包人列为第三人,并对其主张权利而发包人对承包人又负有义务的,可将发包人列为第三人,当事人根据不同的法律关系承担相应的法律责任;如转包经发包人同意,即属合同转让,应直接列发包人为被告。 |
103895 |
With regard to a worker who has a confidentiality obligation, the employing unit may have stipulated in the labor contract or confidentiality agreement competition restriction and payment of financial compensation to him on a monthly basis during the term of the competition restriction after the labor contract is revoked or terminated. |
对负有保密义务的劳动者,用人单位可以在劳动合同或者保密协议中与劳动者约定竞业限制条款,并约定在解除或者终止劳动合同后,在竞业限制期限内按月给予劳动者经济补偿。 |
103896 |
With regard to each lot granted, plans for its purposes, term of use, and other conditions shall be worked out by the departments of land administration under the people's governments of the cities and counties in conjunction with the competent departments of urban planning, construction and housing administration. Such plans shall, according to the regulations of the State Council, be implemented by the departments of land administration under the people's governments of the cities or counties after their submission to and approval by the people's governments with due authority for approval. |
出让的每幅地块、用途、年限和其他条件,由市、县人民政府土地管理部门会同城市规划、建设、房产管理部门共同拟定方案,按照国务院规定,报经有批准权的人民政府批准后,由市、县人民政府土地管理部门实施。 |
103897 |
With regard to sewage outlets already built in the first-grade surface sources protection zones for domestic and drinking water, the people's governments at or above the county level shall, pursuant to the limits of power authorized by the State Council, order that they be dismantled or treated within a time limit. |
在生活饮用水地表水源一级保护区内已设置的排污口, 由县级以上人民政府按照国务院规定的权限责令限期拆除或者限期治理。 |
103898 |
With regard to spiralled shells, he wrote that this shape was not at all "for mere beauty, there's much more to it than that. |
至于那些螺旋形的贝壳,它们绝不是"仅仅出于美观的考虑,而是还有很多其他方面的因素。 |
103899 |
With regard to structural articulation the arch can fixed or hinged. |
有关的节点可以固接或铰接。 |