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103880 |
With one possible exception, every milecastle had a large entrance in the north and south walls. |
每座里堡的南、北两座外墙上都设有一个巨大的出入口,可能仅有一座例外。 |
103881 |
With only five years to build in, Anthemius and Isidore cannot afford to carve all of their columns from scratch. They have to cut corners, and it shows. |
不仅如此,还要在五年的时间内建完,安提莫斯和伊西多尔无法一点点去雕刻所有的柱子,他们不得不走捷径,而这显示了出来。 |
103882 |
With only three-and-a-half years to go until the immoveable deadline of 31 December 1999, time was running short. |
距离不可改变的最后期限--一九九九年十二月三十一日还有三年半,时间很紧张。 |
103883 |
With orchid aroma infiltrating visitors' sleeves, and bamboos tossing their shadows onto whitewashed walls, this little garden offers captivating pictures worth all the scrutiny and rambling, and provides natural themes for painting or poetry. |
小院兰香,时盈客袖,粉墙竹影,天然画本,宜静观,宜雅游,宜作画,宜题诗。 |
103884 |
With over 200 factory chimneys continually churning out black, sulphurous smoke, the city of Bradford was the most polluted town in England. |
200多个工厂的烟囱不断排出含硫黄的黑烟,布拉德福德市是英格兰污染最严重的城市。 |
103885 |
With painstaking efforts, his craftsmanship of such an artificial mountain excels nature. The reason why the great master Zhang Lian (1587-1673) could also accomplish so much in building artificial mountains for the Chinese gardens is amply explicated in this passage. |
已足够说明问题了。 |
103886 |
With periodic maintenance and occasional refurbishment, buildings remain useful for hundreds of years. |
加上定期维修或偶尔翻新,建筑其实可以使用数百年之久。 |
103887 |
With permission of the arbitral tribunal, the parties may put questions to the experts. |
当事人经仲裁庭许可,可以向鉴定人提问。 |
103888 |
With physical discomfort taken for granted, we enjoyed frequently unforgettable experiences of rare charm and delight. |
身体的苦楚被视作当然,我们常在无比迷人而快乐的难忘经历中锐感快意。 |
103889 |
With plates, the reference plane is a flat plane. With shells, the reference plane is curved. |
例如,平板的参考面是一平面,壳的参考面是一曲面。 |