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103840 With its central position at the head of the axis it firmly anchors the rest of the rooms. 它在中轴线头部的中心位置,牢牢地支撑起其余的房间。
103841 With its cheerful disdain for conventional architectural refinement, the house is a milestone both in the architect's career and in the development of contemporary architectural taste.2 伴随着它对传统建筑细节的不屑,这栋住宅无论在建筑师的职业生涯中,还是在现代建筑品位的发展中,都是一个里程碑式的存在。
103842 With its coronets, cherubs and urns, together with Doric pilasters on the north front and Corinthian on the south, Castle Howard brought a breath of sophisticated Europe to the north of England. 凭借其冠冕,小天使和瓮,与其北墙的多立克式壁柱及南部的科林斯式柱一起,霍华德城堡给英格兰北部带来了一股精致的欧洲气息。
103843 With its dramatic internal spiral ramp, it is hardly what you expect from an art gallery (where do you put flat, rectangular pictures in a curved building, for one thing?) 其内部螺旋坡道的造型夸张,这是在美术馆中很罕见的(比如,在一个曲面建筑中,你如何悬挂方形扁平的图片?)。
103844 With its emphasis on the general practitioner, it is out of alignment with today's medical profession, which stresses the specialist. 美国的军医组织一向重视普通医师,然而今天的潮流已经是分科精细,重视专科医师了。
103845 With its height which was actually purely functional, decided by the telescope inside and its strange, undulating walls, it's been described as an 'ungainly spaceship'. 确实,这座建筑看起来有生命力,就像它正蜷伏在周围环境里。爱因斯坦塔注重功能实用,它的高度取决于内部的望远镜高度。
103846 With its magnificent courtyard and breathtaking ceilings, Mohammed V’s palace will prove to be more beautiful, more sophisticated, and more accomplished than the Muslim-style masterpiece of his powerful Christian neighbour. 宏伟的庭院和惊人的天花板将证明 穆罕默德的宫殿和他强大的基督教邻居的穆斯林风格的杰作相比 更漂亮、更复杂、更成熟。
103847 With its ponderous masonry and heavy steel chains, Brunei's construction has something to it of a stocky middle-aged man who hoists his trousers and loudly solicits the attention of others before making a jump between two points, whereas Maillart's bridge resembles a lithe athlete who leaps without ceremony and bows demurely to his audience before leaving the stage. 布律内尔的吊桥上因为有笨重的砖石建构和沉重的铁链,给人的感觉有点像个矮壮的中年人在从一端跳至另一端之前特意卷起裤脚并大声恳请别人的注意,而马亚尔的桥则像一个轻捷的运动员纵身一跃而且在离去前还向观众端庄地鞠躬致意。
103848 With its proud isolation, its juxtapositioning of ruggedness and refinement, its unblinking, hardy defiance of the elements, and the aesthetic debt it owed to Ancient Rome on the one hand and Italian modernism on the other, the house did indeed pick up on key traits of Malaparte's character. 这幢房子因其引以为傲的孤立无援,因其将粗犷和精雅并置于一体,因其对自然环境毫不退缩的傲然蔑视以及对古罗马与意大利现代主义建筑美学的兼收并蓄,的确表现出了马拉帕尔泰性格中的几个重要侧面。
103849 With its six rows of twelve columns each, forming a hypostyle hall eleven bays in length and five in depth, double-eaved and hip-roofed, it is the largest single building of its kind in China. 殿内6排柱子,每排12根,其殿面阔11间,进深5间,重檐庑殿顶,它是中国现存古建筑中规模最大的殿宇。