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103830 |
With his wife dead, he lived a monastic life between a small Paris apartment and a holiday home on the Mediterranean. |
他的妻子去世后,柯布西耶在巴黎的小公寓与地中海的度假屋中过着修道士般的生活。 |
103831 |
With hundred-year storms now coming every ten years, and energy demands growing and changing exponentially, the world needs architecture that addresses nature in all its forms. |
如今,百年一遇的风暴十年便会来袭一次,而能量需求也在呈指数式增长和变化,我们的地球需要能够应付自然百态的建筑。 |
103832 |
With imaginative pictures usually painted with bright colors and in an exaggerated way, the paintings can catch people's eyeballs at the first sight and have a strong decorative function. |
它采用白描的形式,运用大胆而丰富的想象构图,简洁却很充实;比较注重色彩对比,以大红大紫的色彩,运用夸张的描述,追求强烈的直观效果,非常讲究装饰性。 |
103833 |
With interior décor fashioned out of unadorned gingko wood, the parlor looks clean and elegant, and the ground in the front is paved smooth and level with mosaic white stones. |
花厅装修以银杏木本色制成,未髹漆更是雅洁。厅前以白石拼合铺地,很是平整。 |
103834 |
With it, we take infinity into our lungs, and through it, we breathe cosmically, far from human anguish. |
无边无际通过它进入我们的心胸。我们通过它在宇宙中呼吸,远离人间的焦虑。 |
103835 |
With its Gothic pinnacles, Byzantine domes and medieval angels, the famous basilica stands at a crossing between East and West |
拥有哥特式尖塔,拜占庭圆顶和中世纪天使的著名长方形大教堂立在东西交会处。 |
103836 |
With its Southern Tang and Wuyue economic legacies emerging unscathed from the destructive war north of the Yangtze, the Jiangnan area was able to maintain its affluence, and garden-making went on as usual in the Northern Song. |
北宋江南上承南唐、吴越之旧,地方未受干戈,经济上没有受重大影响,园林兴建不辍。 |
103837 |
With its artificial-mountain construction technique comparative with that of the Beauty-Encircled Mountain Abode of Suzhou—the Small Meandering Valley is, without a doubt, a certain master drafter's masterpiece. |
叠山的技术尤佳,足与苏州环秀山庄抗衡,显然出于名匠师之手。 |
103838 |
With its attending Bodhisattvas, it is the only group at T'ien-lung Shan that had escaped the vandalism of curio-dealers. The T'ien-lung Shan caves are the most architecturally treated. |
天龙山的三十英尺高的佛像与云冈及龙门的巨佛相比简直为侏儒。 |
103839 |
With its broad avenues, well-defined living areas and revolutionary architecture, Brasilia would be the ideal city. |
宽阔的大街,精致的住宅区,新颖的建筑,巴西利亚俨然是一座完美的城市。 |