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103820 |
With functional principles standing as a new measure of worth, the entire history of architecture could be scanned and its masterworks reassessed in terms of their relative degrees of veracity and falsehood. |
在功能性原则作为一种新的衡量原则确立之后,整个建筑史都将被重新考量,建筑史上的杰作也将放在诚实与谬误的相对比例中重新评价。 |
103821 |
With gentle muscularity, the Scottish Parliament crystallizes the joyfulness of democratic ideals and the gravity of being charged to execute them; at the same time, the complex-an urbane landscape and aggregation of buildings all at once-demonstrates how wide-ranging are the possibilities of experiential design. |
苏格兰议会综合体以温和的强大体现了理想的欢快,以及负责民主理想的严肃;这个集城市景观和建筑群于一体的综合体还表明,体验式设计有很大的灵活发挥空间。 |
103822 |
With gilded copper phoenix decorating the roof and stairs made of jade stone, Jianzhang Palace was luxurious enough to gratify Emperor Wu's vanity as it was originally intended. The Ancestral Shrine was the place to worship ancestors. |
规模最为宏大的建章宫宏伟壮丽,是汉武帝为满足其虚荣心而修建的,建章宫的建材十分奢华,楼顶装饰有镀金的铜凤,连台阶都是用玉石砌成的。 |
103823 |
With great thanks to Graham Vickers and William Aaltonen for their support and advice, and to all at Arcturus, especially Nigel Matheson, Peter Ridley, Anya Martin and Tilly Sklair. |
特别感谢格雷厄姆·维氏和威廉·艾尔特南提供的支持和建议,以及大角星出版社的所有工作人员,由衷感谢奈杰尔•马西森、彼得•里德利、安雅·马丁和蒂莉·斯克莱尔。 |
103824 |
With hills to its back, the Belle Villa was fully open to the lake, and this was where Qianlong was most pleased with the fog floating at sunrise and with the shady west hills at the sunset (Yu Minzhong 1985, 3:1371-1372; Yuanming Yuan Sishijing Tuyong 1985, 70). |
接秀山房"背后依山,隔岸临湖,这里日出时的浮雾和日落西山时的昏影,是最为乾隆所欣赏的。 |
103825 |
With hills to its back, the Belle Villa was fully open to the lake, and this was where Qianlong was most pleased with the fog floating at sunrise and with the shady west hills at the sunset (Yu Minzhong 1985, 3:1371–1372; Yuanming Yuan Sishijing Tuyong 1985, 70). |
“接秀山房”背后依山,隔岸临湖,这里日出时的浮雾和日落西山时的昏影,是最为乾隆所欣赏的。 |
103826 |
With his central staircase in the Villa Savoye, Le Corbusier - just like Ange-Jacques Gabriel at the Classical pavilion of Le Petit Trianon in Versailles, a few miles to the south - was trying to do something other than simply carry people to an upper floor. |
勒科比西埃为萨伏伊别墅设计的中央楼梯--正如别墅以南几英里之外安热-雅克·加布里埃尔为凡尔赛宫内的小特里阿农宫设计的古典凉亭一样--所要达到的目的绝非简单地把人带到楼上。 |
103827 |
With his interest in the earth as a medium for sculpture, Noguchi was a decade or two ahead of his times. |
野口对以地球为雕塑媒介充满兴趣,这使他比其所处的时代领先了一二十年。 |
103828 |
With his plan for a contemporary city of three million inhabitants in 1922, and above all the Plan Voisin for Paris in 1925, sponsored by the automobile manufacturer, Gabriel Voisin, Le Corbusier effectively united the road network, the automobile and the city. |
在他1922年为300万居民设计的当代城市规划方案以及1925年由汽车制造商加布里尔•瓦赞所发起的为巴黎所做的瓦赞规划方案中,勒•柯布西耶都按最有效的方式组织了路网,将汽车与城市结合在一起。 |
103829 |
With his wife Anna, a dancer and choreographer, he developed a 'motation' to record movements through an environment, and made connections between creating a design and writing a score. |
他与自己的妻子、舞蹈演员兼编导安娜一起开发了一种通过环境来记录动作的"运动乐谱",并在设计和谱写之间建立了联系。 |