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103770 |
With a carp, ham, magnolia petals and fragrant mushroom stewed in the milk soup, this dish is rich in protein, minerals and vitamins. |
最先出现在宫廷御宴上,传入民间后,经久不衰。这道菜用黄河鲤鱼、火腿、玉兰片、香菇和奶汤等精心烹制而成,是一道蛋白质、矿物质、维生素含量丰富的菜肴。 |
103771 |
With a certain design of plant it is possible to arrange for 100 per cent outside air to be handled during periods of medium weather, such as in spring and autumn, when neither cooling nor heating is required, or at any other time when it can do useful cooling. |
在温和的季节里,例如春季或者秋季,当既不需要冷却又不需要加热时,或在可以进行有效冷却的其他任何时候,对某些设备设计可能安排100%的室外空气进行处理。 |
103772 |
With a circumference of twenty kilometers, the Chengde Mountain Summer Resort is, as its name suggests, mostly mountainous. Its flat land, accounting for one fifth of the total acreage, is strewn with lakes and ponds, with mountains and lakes setting off one another bewitchingly. |
行宫周约20公里,多山岭,仅五分之一左右为平地,而平地又多水面,山岚水色,相映成趣。 |
103773 |
With a concept of “narrower roads and a denser network”, China has built an urban road network featuring a reasonable composition of expressways, arterial roads, sub-arterial roads and branch roads friendly to green travel. |
树立“窄马路、密路网”的城市道路布局理念,建设快速路、主干路和次支路级配合理、适宜绿色出行的城市道路网络。 |
103774 |
With a date of the 1st century AD, finally the likely identity of the Khazneh’s king is revealed. |
随着鉴定时间被确定,建造卡兹尼宫殿的国王最终被我们知晓。 |
103775 |
With a definite attempt to build a city with zoning according to functions, the imperial palaces, the area for government offices, residential super-blocks (called fang) and trading squares were all arranged with precise order in the rectangular, walled city. |
其规模之宏大,可称史无前例。新都的建设明确根据建筑的性质进行分区规划;宫殿、官府和坊市都在城墙围蔽的四方城垣里归整排列。 |
103776 |
With a dreamer of scholarly thoughts such as Robinet, who organized his visionary ideas into a system, a psychoanalyst accustomed to untangling family complexes would be quite powerless. |
面对一个像罗比内这样博学并且把自己的视觉观念系统地组织起来的梦想者,精神分析学家那种解开熟悉情结的惯用做法起不了什么作用。 |
103777 |
With a façade design for San Francesco Della Vigna, Palladio neatly encapsulated the newly fashionable religious ideas of St Thomas Aquinas |
圣弗朗西斯科教堂,帕拉第奥设计了其正面门型,并巧妙地把阿奎那最新的流行宗教思想融入了这座教堂之中。 |
103778 |
With a freestanding building, workers can make sure the walls and columns are strong enough before adding the weight of the upper sections on top. |
它的建造过程不能有出错的余地。对于独立式建筑的过程,工人们可以先确保墙壁和砥柱的承受力量,然后再往上增加建筑的重量。 |
103779 |
With a ground source heat pump system, you can escape the headache of balancing numerous utility bills. |
拥有地源热泵系统,您可以摆脱令人头痛的开支利用。 |