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103740 |
Window-curtains: Museum at the Stream, Antwerp.? Paul Raftery/AGE Fotostock/VIEW. |
图3-16 窗帘:安特卫普溪流博物馆 |
103741 |
Windowless rooms of the kind in the high school we visited exacerbate children's behavioral problems and aggressive tendencies, whereas daylit, naturally ventilated classrooms contribute to social harmony and facilitate good learning practices. |
就像我们考察的高中那样,没有窗户的教室会加重儿童的问题行为和攻击倾向,而日光照明充足、自然通风流畅的教室,可以促进和谐氛围、有利于培养良好的学习习惯。 |
103742 |
Windows and doors imitate wooden style with sculptures like wrestles, statues and so on. |
门窗装修为仿木构形式,门窗上部和两侧高浮雕金刚力士、菩萨、天部等神像。 |
103743 |
Windows are transparent planes that you can look through, as through clear water. |
窗户是透明平面,你可以像透过清水一样透过玻璃看清东西。 |
103744 |
Windows offer further opportunities for the expression of architectural elegance, the determinant here being the relationship between the amount of glass and the extent of the frame that supports it. |
窗户为建筑的优雅提供了进一步的机会,决定性的因素在于玻璃的数量与支撑玻璃的窗框之间的关系。 |
103745 |
Winds radiate from its center and gulls fly from its windows. |
大风从它的中心扩散开来,海鸥从它的窗里飞出。 |
103746 |
Wine was issued, usually the sour vinegar-like acetum or the cheap posca, although beer (cervesa) appears to have been more popular, especially with troops recruited from northern Europe. |
酒也会配发,通常是像醋一样的“酸葡萄酒”(acetum),或者是便宜的“波斯卡酒”(posca)*,但当时“啤酒”(cervesa)似乎更受欢迎,对从欧洲北部招募而来的士兵而言更是如此。(*一种用醋、水和香料等混合而成的酸甜饮料。) |
103747 |
Winning the Battle Against Poverty Through Transport Poverty alleviation has been raised to the top of the agenda for transport in the new era. |
(一)坚决打赢交通扶贫脱贫攻坚战 |
103748 |
Winter is by far the oldest of the seasons. |
在所有的季节中,冬季是最古老的季节。它把岁月放入回忆。 |
103749 |
Wintry Emerald Mountain Abode |
寒碧山庄 |