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译文 |
103690 |
Wild Goose Diving at Sinking Rainbow |
垂虹落雁 |
103691 |
Wilkins claimed that St Martin's should be subordinate to his own, far better building. |
威尔金斯宣称,他设计的建筑更好,圣马丁教堂比不上他的设计。 |
103692 |
Wilkins was aggrieved: why such a fuss about a church no-one had even noticed before? |
威尔金斯很受伤:为什么对以往无人问津的教堂如此大惊小怪? |
103693 |
Will Hutton has compared inequality to a slow-growing cancer; society can remain in blissful ignorance before its symptoms show themselves, by which stage it may be too late to treat. |
威尔·胡顿[9]将不平等比作缓慢恶化的癌症,在症状出现之前仍能保持无知的幸福状态,但到症状显示之时,社会可能已经来不及治疗了。([9]威尔·胡顿(1950-),英国政治经济学家。) |
103694 |
Will Wren live to see his dome complete? NARRATOR (V/O): |
雷恩会亲眼见到他的圆顶落成吗? |
103695 |
Will a single traveller be willing to pay an increased fare on the South Western, because the columns of the terminus are covered with patterns from Nineveh? |
有哪一位旅客会因为终点站的圆柱上装饰着来自尼尼微(Nineveh)的图案而愿意多付给西南铁路公司钱? |
103696 |
Will he live long enough to see his grand vision complete? |
他能活到他的宏伟的愿景实现的那一天吗? |
103697 |
Will it keep the rain out? |
它能否做到遮风避雨? |
103698 |
Will it stand up? |
比如说这座房屋能否立起来? |
103699 |
Will it to be revised yet? |
这张图纸有效吗? |