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103598 |
Whoever steals or forcibly seizes firearms, ammunition or explosives shall be punished in accordance with the provisions of Article 127 of this Law. |
盗窃、抢夺枪支、弹药、爆炸物的, 依照本法第一百二十七条的规定处罚。 |
103599 |
Whoever steals, spies into or buys military secrets for or illegally offers such secrets to the agencies, organizations or individuals outside the territory of China shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than 10 years, life imprisonment or death. |
为境外的机构、组织、人员窃取、刺探、收买、非法提供军事秘密的, 处十年以上有期徒刑、无期徒刑或者死刑。 |
103600 |
Whoever stealthily or arbitrarily fells trees, bamboo, etc. in forest or woods, of nature reserves at the national level shall be given a heavier punishment. |
盗伐、滥伐国家级自然保护区内的森林或者其他林木的, 从重处罚。 |
103601 |
Whoever thought it out thought it through very, very well, and what they achieved there is absolutely spectacular. |
无论是谁的主意,他肯定是经过了深思熟虑。他们获得的成就绝对是令人瞩目的。 |
103602 |
Whoever transfers obsolete equipment to another person for use, the illegal earnings therefrom of the transferor shall be confiscated by the administrative department of environmental protection under the local people's government at or above the county level or any of the competent departments exercising the power of supervision and management. This will be in accordance with the law in the place where the transferor is located, and a fine of not more than twice the illegal earnings shall be imposed concurrently. |
将淘汰的设备转让给他人使用的, 由转让者所在地县级以上地方人民政府环境保护行政主管部门或者其他依法行使监督管理权的部门没收转让者的违法所得, 并处违法所得两倍以下罚款。 |
103603 |
Whoever tries to avoid the supervision and control of the Customs, if the act constitutes a crime of smuggling, shall be investigated for criminal responsibility according to law. |
逃避海关监管, 构成走私罪的, 依法追究刑事责任。 |
103604 |
Whoever tries to place a man or staff an organization to avoid weakness will end up at best with mediocrity. |
不管是谁,如果他在任用一个人时只想避免短处,那他所领导的组织最终必然是平平庸庸的。 |
103605 |
Whoever unlawfully detains or confines another person in order to get payment of a debt shall be punished in accordance with the provisions of the preceding two paragraphs. |
为索取债务非法扣押、拘禁他人的, 依照前两款的规定处罚。 |
103606 |
Whoever unlawfully holds the documents, material or other objects classified as |
非法持有属于国家绝密、机密的文件、资料或者其他物品, 拒不说明来源与用途的, 处三年以下有期徒刑、拘役或者管制。 |
103607 |
Whoever unlawfully takes possession of an object, which another person has forgotten about or buried, and refuses to hand it over, if the amount is relatively large, shall be punished in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph. |
将他人的遗忘物或者埋藏物非法占为己有, 数额较大, 拒不交出的, 依照前款的规定处罚。 |