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103458 While this is certainly part of the same tradition, there is a different range of artistic intentions here, and so there is a different stylistic name. 它在18世纪的法国与德国达到了发展的顶峰(图11)。虽然巴洛克风格肯定是同一个传统的一部分,但是其中存在着一类不同的艺术目的,因此也就有了一个不同的风格名称。
103459 While this may be feasible, multi- party arbitration clauses require skilful drafting, and usually need to be prepared on a case-by-case basis. 尽管这种情况也许是可行的,但多边仲裁条款需要很高的起草技巧,并且要按照具体情况编制。
103460 While this obviously is a general definition of risk, construction risk can also be related to the chance of loss associated with three primary constraints: time, cost, and quality. 然而,这很显然是风险的一般定义。工程风险可描述为与工期、成本和质量三大主要约束条件有关的损失的可能性。
103461 While this relationship between the city, the car and architecture is inherent throughout all of Le Corbusier's work, it is in the Villa Savoye that it assumes its purest expression, with the movement of the car in some way forming one of the fundamentals of this architectural œuvre. 这种城市与汽车以及与建筑之间的内在联系贯穿了勒•柯布西耶的所有作品,而在萨伏伊别墅中这种联系表现得最为纯粹,汽车的运动形式在某种意义上形成了这个建筑艺术作品的基本原则。
103462 While undergoing deformation, the particles of the material exert a resisting force. 经历变形的同时,材料各部分会产生抵抗力。
103463 While we do sometimes indeed use silver for teakettles, decanters, or sake cups, we prefer not to polish it. 虽说我们有时确实也用银质的茶壶、酒壶和酒杯,我们可是宁愿不去擦它们。
103464 While we know the great painters, the sculptors are anonymous. 〔A〕Early Sculpture 我们知道大画家的名字,但雕塑家都默默无闻。
103465 While we may one day resume this sublime existence in Heaven, the sins of Adam and Eve have deprived us of that possibility on earth. 虽然我们有朝一日可以在天堂重续这种庄严的存在,但亚当和夏娃的原罪已剥夺了我们在地上享受这种生存的可能。
103466 While, air pollution is not a new phenomenon, it is now apparent that it is one of our most rapidly growing environmental problems. What are the factors contributing to this rather recent trend toward deterioration of the air environment? 虽然污染并不是一种新的现象,但现在,它显然是飞速恶化的环境问题之一,在大气环境最近趋近于恶化的过程中起作用的因素是什么呢?
103467 Whilst the chapel was under construction, Le Corbusier devised a musical project for the building with Edgar Varèse. 在教堂还在建造的同时,柯布西耶和瓦瑞兹(Edgar Varèse)—起为教堂设计了一个音乐方。