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103398 |
While rushing about for the valuables, the looters also destroyed those they could not take away. |
这些掠夺者四处抢夺贵重物品的同时,还毁坏那些他们带不走的东西。 |
103399 |
While sketching an interior elevation of the chapel, Le Corbusier noted: "the inside is a 'round hump' (hollow)". |
当粗略描述教堂的内部立面时,柯布西耶指出:“室内是一个‘圆形塑体’(空心的)”。 |
103400 |
While solution data can be manipulated many ways in postprocessing, the most important objective is to apply sound engineering judgment in determining whether the solution results are physically reasonable. |
产生温度云纹图。当计算结果可以在后处理的许多方面被利用时,那么最重要的目标就是应用合理的工程判断决定计算结果是否可靠。 |
103401 |
While some aspects of the house aped the look of a Tudor cottage, others tugged towards the Gothic. |
这幢房子的有些部分像是在盲目模仿都铎式农舍,其余的则拼命朝哥特式上面硬靠。 |
103402 |
While some buildings may be failures, we have Gothic revivalism to thank for many marvellous examples, like G.E. Street's Law Courts (1870–2) and Alfred Waterhouse's Natural History Museum. |
一些建筑物虽然是失败的作品,但是我们仍要感谢哥特复兴主义带来的惊人的建筑,正如乔治·埃德蒙街的法院、阿尔弗雷德·沃特豪斯建造的英国自然历史博物馆。 |
103403 |
While some large contractors are enjoying benefits from implementing their QMS, the smaller firms report difficulties and obstacles. Quality Management Systems Adopted by Construction |
同时一些大型承包商正在从他们实施的质量管理系统中获益,小型公司则报告它们在实施质量管理系统中遇到的困难和障碍。 |
103404 |
While some objects eventually found homes in major Western museums, in particular the British Museum and the Bibliotheque Nationale (Paris), many others entered into marketing networks around the world. |
一些珍宝最后成为主要的西方博物馆(特别是大英博物馆和巴黎的法国国家图书馆)的珍藏,而其他许多珍宝则流入市场的网络而流散至全世界。 |
103405 |
While some of the visible columns in the Sainsbury Wing carry loads, there are several that are what Venturi called "symbolically structural"—that is, fake. |
塞恩斯伯里翼楼里没有被隐藏的柱子中有一些是承重柱,还有另外一些被文丘里称为“象征性的结构”。 |
103406 |
While some of these optimistic predictions may come true, the more likely course is that the future changes will evolve in ways we do not see now. |
而其中一些乐观的预言可能成为现实,更可能的进程是未来的变化将会以我们目前看不到的方式发展。 |
103407 |
While some wanted to show their unique ambition, others wanted to demonstrate their stainless, magnanimous, or aloof personalities. |
有一些文人想表达他们非凡的抱负,另有一些人则想展现出他们纯洁、崇高或孤傲的个性。 |