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103388 |
While other Romanesque churches such as St Michael's at Hildesheim had flat ceilings fastened to wooden roof trusses, St Foy's 68-foot (20.5 metres) barrel vault soars over the nave. |
其他教堂,比如在希尔德斯海姆市的圣米歇尔大教堂,平平的天花板镶嵌在木质的屋顶框架上。而在圣福瓦教堂,68英尺(28.5米)的桶形拱顶横跨在中殿上。 |
103389 |
While painting in general flourished in the Southern Sung Dynasty, Buddhist painting receded into almost complete obscurity. |
南宋的画风仍盛,但佛教绘画却由盛转衰,日渐湮没。 |
103390 |
While patient research in museum archives can provide fascinating insights into the way people have used, abused and cared for ancient sites, the places themselves also carry tell-tale evidence that can now be revealed, thanks to laser scanning. |
对博物馆档案进行耐心的研究,的确能让人更了解使用、滥用以及保护这些古代遗迹的过往,不过遗迹本身也能提供一些内情和证据。得益于新的激光扫描技术,这些证据现在可以很好地显现出来。 |
103391 |
While preparing Chen Congzhou's original Chinese texts to match our English translations for this bilingual book, my colleague and co-translator Zhong Zhilan amended quite a few typos, missing words and other mistakes that were unavoidable given the fact that these originals had been repeatedly typeset for different books by different publishers, and that the author habitually committed information from his memory to paper without looking up references. |
在中文编辑工作中,我的同事仲志兰对原稿中的打印差错、错字漏字和其他纰漏进行了修订、弥补。这些文章经由不同出版社重复排印,加之作者下笔立就不查资料,纰漏在所难免。 |
103392 |
While pressurising public authorities for more money, he argued that curators should also seek to diversify income streams, notably from private philanthropy; that they should deploy increased income so as to improve the quality of what was on offer, while also using modern media to increase the palace's popularity with the general public; and that they needed to bring the institution into the mainstream of professional historical research and curation. |
在向当局施压,要求获得更多资金的同时,他强调管理者也应该努力拓展收入来源渠道,特别是私人捐赠;应该利用增加的收入提高博物馆的水平,同时使用现代媒介提高宫殿在普通民众间的知名度;他们还应该推动博物馆在历史研究和管理方面的专业化,使之成为主流。 |
103393 |
While professing - like his predecessor - absolute fidelity to the traditions established by Louis XIV, he simply went through the motions with the lever, the coucher and the rest. |
在公开表示(与其前任一样)对路易十四开创的传统绝对忠诚的同时,他也只是简单地通过晨起仪式、就寝仪式等来履行这种忠诚。 |
103394 |
While professional advancement in major companies can come either to those taking technical or managerial training, in our experience, those following the managerial track generally end up with higher recognition and compensation, |
杠杆在增加潜利润的同时也扩大了风险并且建立了周期性的负资产流(周期性的债务付款)。 |
103395 |
While professional advancement in major companies can come either to those taking technical or managerial training, in our experience, those following the managerial track generally end up with higher recognition and compensation, because good management is so important in getting projects finished on time, on budget, and to the client? |
虽然大公司所取得的专业方面的进步可能来源于技术或管理知识的培训I,但根据我 们的经验,那些注重发展管理的公司最终会赢得更高的赞誉和认可, |
103396 |
While professional advancement in major companies can come either to those taking technical or managerial training, in our experience, those following the managerial track generally end up with higher recognition and compensation, because good management is so important in getting projects finished on time, on budget, and to the client? |
虽然大公司所取得的专业方面的进步可能来源于技术或管理知识的培训,但根据我们的经验,那些注重发展管理的公司最终会赢得更高的赞誉和认可,因为好的管理能确保工程在财政预算内按期完成,并达到客户满意。 |
103397 |
While repetition of activities in different locations or reproduction of activities from past projects reduces the work involved, there are very few computer aids for the process of defining activities. |
虽然大公司所取得的专业方面的进步可能来源于技术或管理知识的培训,但根据我们的经验,那些注重发展管理的公司最终会赢得更高的赞誉和认可,因为好的管理能确保工程在财政预算内按期完成,并达到客户满意。 |