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103378 While modern water systems use steel that can withstand huge internal pressures, terracotta is much weaker. 但是困难出现了。陶制的水管没有现代钢质水管那样的强度,不能够承受住巨大的水流压力。
103379 While modernism was in the air, no major modernist monument had yet been built in the United States, and many in the architectural establishment doubted that it could. 当时,现代主义还未盛行,在美国还没有出现重要的现代主义纪念碑,并且许多建筑公司对是否应该修建现代主义纪念碑还存有疑虑。
103380 While more leverage increases potential profit, it also magnifies risks and builds in a periodic negative cash flow (regular payments on the debt). 尽管设计人员对于一幢建筑物的所有混凝土也许是有相同要求的,但由于材料特性、 生产、加工、浇筑及养护温度等因素的波动都可能使得混凝土的质量不尽相同。
103381 While more leverage increases potential profit, it also magnifies risks and builds in a periodic negative cash flow (regular payments on the debt). 杠杆在增加潜利润的同时也扩大了风险并且建立了周期性的负资产流(周期性的债务付款)。
103382 While most of our applicants came from the Architectural Association, Ivan was the first to come from the Bartlett (UCL's architecture school). 我们大多数的雇员来自建筑联盟学院,但伊万是第一个来自伦敦大学学院巴特莱特建筑学院的人。
103383 While most of the finalists in the Sydney competition housed the two music halls in International Style boxes, Utzon enclosed them in a sculptural composition of billowing concrete shells. 大多数入围悉尼歌剧院设计竞赛的作品都采用现代主义的方形体块来处理这两个演奏厅,唯独乌松将它们置于一组如波浪般的混凝土外壳之中。
103384 While most societies experience varying degrees of violence and chaos, for example, we are unlikely to want our buildings to reflect those features of the Zeitgeist. 比如说,虽绝大多数社会都经历过不同程度的暴力和混乱,我们却不乐意看到我们的建筑去反映这样的"时代精神"特色。
103385 While mourning the number of missed opportunities, we have no reason to abandon a belief in the ever-present possibility of moulding circumstances for the better. 在痛惜已经丧失了那么多机会的同时,我们仍然毫无理由放弃一个信念:我们一直都有可能将我们的环境塑造得更加美好。
103386 While much of the world is practicing subsistence agriculture, Suryavarman generates revenue to pay for megaprojects like Angkor Wat, and for wars against his neighbours. 在世界上多数国家实行自给自足的农业时,苏耶跋摩创造的收入却能负担像吴哥窟这样庞大的建筑工程,和他对邻国发动的战争开销。
103387 While new housing was sprouting up all over the northern and southern sides of the ch? teau, there were also significant developments behind the ch? 新的建筑遍布城堡南北两侧,城堡后面、向西的区域也有了可观的发展。